"Paul was reasoning in the market place every day with those who happened to be present." (Acts 17:17)
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Agora Bible CommentaryThis section contains, in separate files, detailed commentaries on each book of the Bible. (The underlying text for this commentary is the New International Version.)Many of the comments on individual verses refer to sections of the "Articles and Lessons". (In fact, lengthy expansions or digressions were simply moved out of the commentary itself, and to this section -- so as not to hinder the "flow" of the commentary.) The reader should think of the "Articles and Lessons" section, therefore, as a supplement and appendix to the Bible commentary itself. All abbreviations are explained in the "Abbreviations" list. The separate files for each book of the Bible are followed by from one to four asterisks; one asterisk indicates the "first edition" of the particular book commentary, two asterisks the "second edition", and so forth. "First editions" are relatively brief and sketchy, "second editions" a good bit fuller, and "fourth editions" quite detailed. Further information (background, more detail on particular verses, word studies, etc) on certain books of the Bible may be found in the Agora Bible Books section. God willing, work will continue on this whole commentary; and new "editions" of particular book studies will appear periodically. Comments, questions, additional thoughts and expositions, and even criticisms (!) are welcomed. I would also appreciate having any wrong Bible references called to my attention. How to use the commentaryFollow the links below to go to an overview of the book, or go direct to the chapter you want. You can also download a zipped file of the notes for each book. |