The Agora
Bible Commentary

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Time: 735 - 700 BC.

Summary: Micah was contemporary with Isaiah and was to the southern kingdom of Judah what Amos was previously to the northern kingdom of Israel. Both were fierce critics of the rich and powerful who exploited the poor. Micah's leading ideas are the regeneration of Israel's remnant through judgment, the establishment of the kingdom of God in the line of David, and the conversion of the nations through that kingdom. The conclusion of his prophecy is a triumphant expression of faith, seen in its true quality against the background of the materialism and the corruption of the reign of Ahaz.

"Micah's message is proclaimed with no uncertain sound, as with passionate forthrightness he attacks the social evils of his day. His stubborn refusal to float on the tide of his social environment, and his courageous stand for his convictions of God's truth, must commend Micah to believers in every age" (Allen).

Key verses: "In the last days the mountain of the Lord's temple will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and peoples will stream to it" (Mic 4:1)


1. Judgment against Israel and Judah: Mic 1:1 -- 3:12

a) Introduction: Mic 1:1-2
b) Predicted destruction: Mic 1:3-7
c) Lamentation for the destruction: Mic 1:8-16
d) Corruption in Micah's society: Mic 2:1-11
e) Hope in the midst of gloom: Mic 2:12-13
f) The leaders condemned: Mic 3:1-12

2. Hope for Israel and Judah: Mic 4:1 -- 5:15

a) The coming Kingdom: Mic 4:1 -- 5:1
b) The coming king: Mic 5:2-15

3. The Lord's case against Israel: Mic 6:1-16

a) The Lord's accusation: Mic 6:1-8
b) The coming judgement: Mic 6:9-16

4. Gloom turns to triumph: Mic 7:1-20

a) Micah laments the corruption of his society: Mic 7:1-7
b) A bright future for God's people: Mic 7:8-20


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