The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Jeremiah 15

Jer 15:1

EVEN IF MOSES AND SAMUEL...: Cp Eze 14:14, mentioning Moses, Daniel, and Job.

"What greater discouragement could the LORD have spoken to him? If two venerable leaders of God's people in ancient days were to add their petitions in vain, what hope that Jeremiah might storm the citadels of heaven?

"At the apostasy of the golden calf, Moses, for all his hot anger, made long drawn-out intercession for his people, and saved them from utter dereliction (Deu 9:18-20). Again, when the exhortation of the faithful Caleb and Joshua was spurned, the people being ready to turn their backs on the Land of Promise, the prayer of Moses saved the situation (Exo 32:11,12,30-32; Num 14:13-24).

"In very different circumstances, on two occasions when the people of Israel had only Samuel to lean on in their extremity, the intercession of that prophet brought aid from heaven in thunder and in rain (1Sa 7:8-10; 12:19-25).

"But now, so serious the situation, so intense the anger of the LORD, that Moses, Samuel, and Jeremiah combined (or Noah, Daniel, and Job: Eze 14:14-20) would seek in vain to fend off the impending judgment" (WJer 54,55).

Jer 15:15

AVENGE ME ON MY PERSECUTORS: Parable of importunate widow (Luk 18:1-8).

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