Jer 7-10: All one section (cp intro here and Jer 11:1). Time:
reign of Jehoiakim (ie Jer 25:1; cp Jer 25:6 with Jer 7:12,14). Jehoiakim
reigned 609-597 BC. He was placed on throne by Necho of Egypt, and then was made
servant to Babylon, against whom he rebelled. He was defeated and killed, and
then given the burial of an ass (Jer 22:19; 36:30; cp Jer 8:2).
Jer 7: "This chapter reveals the hypocrisy and false
confidence of Judah in their religious formalism. It is typical of the reign of
the flesh within the community of the faithful. It was probably proclaimed
before the second reform of Josiah, when the people were enthusiastically
contributing to the restoration of the temple, and when an apparent willingness
to honour Yahweh was presented. But it was an empty facade. The spiritual
perception of the people was soon to manifest itself in the feasting and
debauchery of the gods of the land. The people were involved in a religion of
deceit, with false prophets contradicting Jeremiah's warnings, and turning from
his appeal for righteousness in the land. Instead the false leaders preached
peace and unity, where there was none. Jeremiah stood in the very court of the
temple and courageously declared the divine will. He told them that the temple
will not save (vv 1-7); that it would experience a similar fate to Shiloh (vv
8-16); that the city and people were full of adultery against God (vv 17-20);
that ritualism cannot save (vv 21-28); that the ecclesia had forgotten her vows
(vv 29-31); that it has prepared for its own destruction (vv 32-34). What a sad
end to a monarchy that commenced with the courage and faithfulness of David, and
now saw the abandonment of the royal sons of David when ultimately Zedekiah
assumed the throne. When the pioneers of the ecclesia are ignored; the people
become wilful in their folly (cp 2Pe 3:3-4)" (GEM).
Jer 7:4
'God will never allow His temple to be cast down,' they said.
But God had ceased to care for His temple (Jer 5:10) -- typ of Christ's prophecy
in Mar 13:2. Also, the people themselves claimed to BE God's "temple" (ie Joh
2:21; 1Co 3:16; Isa 57:15; 66:1,2), but they were not!
Jer 7:10
"I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are
not, but are a synagogue of Satan" (Rev 2:9).
of the merest formalities, they are now free to return to their
Jer 7:11
A DEN OF ROBBERS: Not where the robbers commit their
crimes, but where they hide to escape the consequences of their crimes committed
elsewhere (vv 9,10). THIS was the temple!
Jer 7:12
SHILOH: Ref to the incidents of 1Sa 1-4: Eli and his
sons; God's judgments; loss of ark (1Sa 4:7,11,21). Cp Psa 78:58-68.
Jer 7:13
Jer 7:16
Cp with Joh 17:9; 1Jo 5:16; Heb 10:26,27.
Jeremiah was told not to pray for this people (Jer 7:16;
11:14; 14:11), and yet he did (Jer 14:20; 42:2,4).
Jer 7:18
THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN: "This goddess was probably the
Assyro-Babylonian Ishtar (cf also Jer 44:17) -- the goddess of love and
fertility; she was the planet Venus. It appears she was worshiped mainly by
women (cf Jer 44, esp vv 15-19). Such worship was probably initiated by Manasseh
(2Ki 21:1-9) and reintroduced into Judah by Jehoiakim. This obscene idolatry was
practiced not only privately but also by whole families, including the children.
The 'cakes' have been described as round and flat, resembling the moon"
Jer 7:19
God's attitude toward these sins: Rom 1:28; 2Th
Jer 7:21
That is, 'all this will avail you nothing!'
Jer 7:22
I DID NOT JUST...: "Not only... but also".
Jer 7:23
That is, the important laws concerned individual conduct and
love and mercy (Hos 6:6; Psa 51:16,17; Mat 9:13; 12:7).
Jer 7:25
The parable of the tenants of the vineyard: Luk
Jer 7:29
profaned their vow of Nazariteship, or holiness (Num 6:9). This may also be a
sign (as in Eze 5), of the smiting and scattering of Judah by God.
Jer 7:31
TOPHET: "Gehenna" (Mat 5:22).
Jer 7:33
Rev 19:17,18,21; Eze 39:17.
Jer 7:34
Conclusion: Jeremiah is called to trial because of this speech
(Jer 29:1-17).