The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Jeremiah 51

Jer 51:1

Jer 51: The difficult messages of Jeremiah against apostate Judah conclude with a wonderful prophecy of the restoration of the nation in the latter days. It is a literal action which will accompany the downfall of Babylon the Great (Rev 18). Jer 51 outlined: (1) Israel will be revenged: vv 1-6. (2) The surrounding nations forsake Babylon: vv 7-9. (3) "Thine end is come, Babylon": vv 10-13. (4) The idolatry of Babylon: vv 14-19. (5) Yahweh's battle axe and weapons of war: vv 20-24. (6) Babylon: a burnt mountain: vv 25-29. (7) The city is taken: vv 30-33. (8) Jerusalem's complaint against Babylon: vv 34-35. (9) Yahweh's answer: vv 36-40. (10) The completeness of the destruction: vv 41-44. (11) "Get out before Babylon's destruction comes": vv 45-50. (12) The reproach of the sanctuary: v 51. (13) Requited by the God of Recompenses: vv 52-56. (14) Complete annihilation: vv 57,58. (15) Seraiah instructed to read the book: vv 59-61. (16) The public prayer: v 62. (17) The book cast into the Euphrates: vv 63,64.

LEB KAMAI: The Hebrew is a cryptogram for "Chaldea," used in the same manner as the cipher, or cryptogram, of Jer 25:26; 51:41. The method used is a simple code in which each letter is replaced by its counterpart marked off from the other end of the alphabet. Thus, in English, BAD becomes YZW. (The same code is used in Jer 51:1,41 also.)

Jer 51:7

A GOLD CUP: Exact similitude between 2 systems (2Bab 4). Pagan Babylon's religion has permeated all idolatrous nations -- India, China, Incas, Aztecs (2Bab 224).

Jer 51:27

ARARAT, MINNI, AND ASHKENAZ: The Assyrian territories: Urartu, Mannai, and Ashguza (cp Gen 8:4; 10:3). The first are the Urartu of the Assyrian inscriptions, practically Armenia, north of Lake Van. The second are the Mannaeans of the Assyrian records, who lived south of Lake Urmia. The last, the Ashguzai of the Assyrian inscriptions, were nomads living east of Lake Urmia

Jer 51:34

SERPENT: Heb "tannin" = sea monster. See Lesson, Leviathan.

Jer 51:36

I WILL DRY UP HER SEA AND MAKE HER SPRINGS DRY: The drying up of the Euphrates River, so as to cause the fall of the city of Babylon (Isa 11:15,16; 44:27; Rev 16:12).

Jer 51:39

The lords of Babylon will sleep forever (eternal death): v 57; cp Isa 43:14-17; Isa 26:13,14.

Jer 51:41

SHESHACH: A cryptogram for "Babel", or Babylon. The method used is a simple code in which each letter is replaced by its counterpart marked off from the other end of the alphabet. Thus, in English, BAD becomes YZW. (The same code is used in Jer 25:26; 51:1 also.)

Jer 51:51

FOREIGNERS HAVE ENTERED THE HOLY PLACES...: The holy place of God is a place for believers... sanctified believers... not heedless and ignorant unbelievers, foreigners, and strangers.

Jer 51:59

WHEN HE WENT TO BABYLON WITH ZEDEKIAH KING OF JUDAH IN THE FOURTH YEAR OF HIS REIGN: This Babylonian journey is not recorded elsewhere. It has been supposed that Zedekiah went at this time to clear himself of suspicion of complicity in a revolt. It is not unusual for puppet rulers of satellite countries to visit the capital of the empire occasionally.

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