The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Jeremiah 23

Jer 23:6

THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS: Yahweh Tzidkenu, in ct to the current king, Zedekiah (Tzedek-yahu). Which was the true "LORD of righteousness"?

Jer 23:7

NO LONGER SAY... BUT WILL SAY (v 8)...: That is, "no longer ONLY say... but will ALSO say..."

Jer 23:15

I WILL MAKE THEM... DRINK POISONED WATER: Is this the real reason Jesus refused the drink of wine mixed with gall on the cross (Mat 27:34) -- because such a drink might "identify" him as a false prophet?

Jer 23:20

IN DAYS TO COME YOU WILL UNDERSTAND IT CLEARLY: Only when it is too late will you really understand!

Jer 23:24

All is clearly visible to God: Psa 139:1-12; Heb 4:12,13; Amo 9:2,3.

Jer 23:29

FIRE... AND... A HAMMER: By the fire, God melts the hard metal, softens it, and subdues it. Then He may take it out of the fire, and with hammer upon anvil He pounds and shapes the softened metal into a fit instrument for His use.

Jer 23:33

WHAT IS THE ORACLE OF THE LORD?: Spoken in a tired and irritable manner: 'What ELSE do we have to do?' Kicking against the pricks.

I WILL FORSAKE YOU: When God ceased to chastise man, then that man has become illegitimate and no longer a son (Heb 12:8).

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