Jer 27: "This chapter contains a prophecy of the subjection of
the king of Judah, with five neighbouring kings, to the king of Babylon;
signified by bonds and yokes on the prophet's neck, which they are exhorted
patiently to bear, as being most for their good; and not to give heed to false
prophets, who would persuade them to the contrary: [1] The order to make the
yokes, and send them to the several neighbouring princes by their messengers at
Jerusalem: vv 2,3; [2] What they should say to their masters from the God of
Israel, who is described from his power in the creation of the earth, and the
disposal of it: vv 4,5; [3] that he had given all their lands into the
hand of the king of Babylon, whom they should serve, or it would be worse for
them: vv 6-8; [4] And therefore they should not hearken to their prophets, who
prophesied lies; if they did, it would be to their hurt; whereas, if they
quietly submitted, they would dwell in their own land: vv 9-11; [5] Particularly
Zedekiah king of Judah is exhorted to submit; and both he, and the priests and
the people, are advised not to hearken to the false prophets: vv 12-15; [6]
Particularly as to what they said concerning the speedy return of the vessels of
the temple, which were carried away to Babylon; but might assure themselves they
should remain there; and the rest also should be taken, and not returned until
the end of the seventy years: vv 16-22" (Gill).