The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Jeremiah 12

Jer 12:1

Vv 1,2: "It was Job's problem over again, in almost an acute a form, for, like Job, Jeremiah could urge his own blamelessness [v 3]" (WJer 49).

Jer 12:5

"Nevertheless in the LORD's response there was but cold comfort at present for this solitary sensitive witness for truth..." (WJer 49).

IF YOU HAVE RACED WITH MEN ON FOOT AND THEY HAVE WORN YOU OUT, HOW CAN YOU COMPETE WITH HORSES?: " 'Your experiences hitherto are but mild compared with what is to come; this is but an apprenticeship to fit you greater rigour and higher endeavour'... Poor Jeremiah! Is there no crumb of comfort for your soul? Hold fast to your confidence in the righteous judgments of Jehovah, and stay yourself on His promise of a day when 'a King shall reign in righteousness'; there is nought else in this bitter evil present" (WJer 50).

THICKETS: AV has "swelling"; cp NIV mg: "flooding". The Heb means pride or arrogance.

Jer 12:9

SPECKLED BIRD: Different from all the others, easily recognized by owner, but hated and ostracized by others.
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