Jer 40: "The promise of restoration after seventy years, and
the opposition received from the false prophets in exile, led naturally to
prophecies of the more glorious and complete return in the latter days (Jer 30;
31), of which that under Zerubbabel was a type. So the word of Jeremiah declared
that: [1] A full restoration was promised: vv 1-3. [2] Yet it would be
accomplished through trouble: vv 4-9. [3] Assurances of restoration and
protection is declared: vv 10-17. [4] The restoration outlined: vv 18-22. [5]
The preliminary tempest: vv 23,24.
"The day of Jacob's tempest (v 7)... out of which, however,
'Jacob shall be delivered.' Israel's hopes will be at the lowest ebb, and unless
another Joseph appears as in Egypt, for the salvation of his father's house,
they must perish. But the Eternal Power has provided for them a Deliverer after
the type of Joseph, who, at his second interview with the nation, his brethren
after the flesh, will reveal himself to them in the day of affliction"
Jer 40:5
GEDALIAH: Gedaliah became governor of Judah, appointed
by Nebuchadnezzar after the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BC (2Ki 25:22-26;
Jer 40:6-41:18). Gedaliah was a member of a prominent and powerful family. His
grandfather was Shaphan, probably the one who served as state secretary under
King Josiah and reported the discovery of the book of the law to the king (2Ki
22:10). Shaphan's son, Gedaliah's father, Ahikam, became Jeremiah's protector
after the famous temple proclamation (Jer 26:24).
Gedaliah set up his government at Mizpah, which was about five
miles north of Jerusalem. However, before too much time passed, Ishmael, a
leader of a fanatic nationalist band and a member of the exiled royal family,
murdered Gedaliah while he was a guest in the official residence in Mizpah (Jer
The death of Gedaliah seemed to be the loss of the last hope
for a peaceful and orderly administration in the defeated Judah, and soon the
remnant that remained (including Jeremiah) were on their way to Egypt, to flee
the unrest in the land, and the possible reprisals of the Babylonians.
Jer 40:7
Those whom the prophets and priests of Judah had oppressed
were now the only ones left in the Land.