The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Jeremiah 52

Jer 52:5

THE CITY WAS KEPT UNDER SIEGE: This siege lasted approx 18 months (vv 4,6). During this time Jeremiah had been preaching to the people telling them that they should submit to Babylon. It was a time of great hardship. Maybe Jeremiah was saved from the excesses of persecution by being put in prison for part of this time. (Jer 32:28...).

Jer 52:7

None are cast out of God's presence but those who by sin have first thrown themselves out. Zedekiah's flight was in vain, for there is no escaping the judgments of God; they come upon the sinner, and overtake him. We cannot escape the judgments of God except by remaining in His grace.

Jer 52:17

Vv 17-23: The list of items taken to Babylon draws heavily on the description of Solomon's temple. Jeremiah describes the physical elements which were removed whereas Ezekiel, who was already in Babylon, saw the spiritual aspect of the overthrow of Jerusalem when he saw, in vision, the cloud of glory depart (Eze 10).

Jer 52:19

TOOK AWAY THE... LAMPSTANDS: "If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place" (Rev 2:5).

Jer 52:24

THE PRIEST NEXT IN RANK: The official assistant and understudy to the High Priest (Temple 100; cp 2Ki 25:18).

Jer 52:31

FREED HIM FROM PRISON: Cp Psa 107:14; 68:13; Col 1:13; 1Pe 2:9; Joh 11:44.

Jer 52:32

HE SPOKE KINDLY TO HIM: Cp Mar 5:36; Luk 7:50; 10:35; Joh 8:11; 20:19,20.

GAVE HIM A SEAT OF HONOR HIGHER...: Cp Eph 2:6; Joh 14:3; 17:24; Rev 3:21.

Jer 52:33

PUT ASIDE HIS PRISON CLOTHES: Cp Eze 16:9-14; Isa 61:10; Luk 15:22.

ATE REGULARLY AT THE KING'S TABLE: Cp Joh 6:35; Psa 107:9; Rev 7:17.
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