The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Exodus 18

Exo 18:11

The miracles struck at the "gods" of Egypt: cp Num 33:4.

Exo 18:15

THE PEOPLE COME TO ME TO SEEK GOD'S WILL: God commits judgment to Moses, as He does later to Jesus (Joh 5:22,23).

Exo 18:16

"Who made you a judge?" (Exo 2:14). And Jesus: "Who made me a ruler and a judge over you?" (Luk 12:14).

Exo 18:17

Vv 17-24: Divine guidance and common sense must work together. Jethro is not afraid to speak to Moses (LM 308,309).

Exo 18:21

FROM ALL THE PEOPLE: Typ saints (co-rulers with Christ, the antitypical Moses).

Exo 18:27

Later Moses seems to have changed his mind, asking him to stay: Num 10:32,33.

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