"The Egyptians urged the people to hurry and leave the
country" (Exo 12:30-33). Pharaoh was not worried any longer about
Exo 11:2
ASK: AV has "borrow", but no hint that the items would
be returned. Sb "ask" or "demand". Nothing immoral; this was reparation for
arduous service over 200 years (cp Exo 3:22; 12:35). "He caused them to be
pitied by all who held them captive" (Psa 106:46).
Exo 11:3
Moses gave up riches of Egypt -- prob the throne too (Heb
11:26). Only a great man would do such a thing!
PHARAOH'S OFFICIALS: The magicians, or wizards, who
could not duplicate his miracles.
Exo 11:5
The "firstborn" must die; "put off the old man". More
punishment upon the gods of Egypt: frog, cattle, crocodile, etc. All creation,
because of sin, suffers.