The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Psalm 108

Psa 108:1


This composite psalm takes its first 5 vv from Psa 57:7-11, and its remaining 8 vv from Psa 60:5-12. The first part of Psa 57 deals with the early experiences of David described in 1Sa 24, but as for the last part (used in Psa 108) there is more uncertainty -- it may have been written at a later time, and appended to the first six vv of Psa 57. Psa 60 definitely deals with the critical experiences of David's reign described in 2Sa 8. Prob all of Psa 108 deals with the same period as Psa 60 -- Judah's wars by which David extended and consolidated his kingdom with victories over Edom, Moab, and Philistia (Psa 108:9).

Psa 108:2

AWAKE, HARP AND LYRE!: Not at all suitable to earlier days. But David is now, after his trials, settled in his capital.

I WILL AWAKEN THE DAWN: "I myself will awake early" (AV). 'The dawn awakes other kings,' says David, 'but I awake the dawn!' Unwearied earnestness in the service of God: Psa 63:1; 78:34.

(NT) The resurrection morn: Mat 28:1; Mar 16:2; Luk 24:1; Joh 20:1.

Psa 108:4

God's promises are the greatest thing in the world (cp Psa 36:5; 85:10,11; 103:11).

Psa 108:5

LET YOUR GLORY BE OVER ALL THE EARTH: (NT) At crucifixion, while the whole land shuddered under an unnatural darkness, for Jesus there was the sustaining brightness of the Shekinah Glory (WGos 780-783).

Psa 108:6

Vv 6-13: From 2Sa 8: David's victory over the Arab neighbors. See notes, Psa 60.

SAVE US... WITH YOUR RIGHT HAND: As in 1Sa 23:9; 30:7, David appeals to God through Urim and Thummim. This is the right hand of the High Priest, receiving and dispensing the affirmative "answer" from God.

YOUR RIGHT HAND: The right hand of the LORD stretched out on behalf of His people is the great instrument of deliverance and victory: Psa 20:6; 21:8; 44:3; 48:10; Exo 15:6.

Psa 108:7

SHECHEM... SUCCOTH: Echoes of Gen 33:17,18, when Jacob returned to his inheritance. Shechem was also the place where Abraham received the promise: "To your seed will I give this land" (Gen 12:6,7).

Psa 108:8

EPHRAIM... JUDAH: Allusion to the ancient Messianic rivalry between the 2 most powerful tribes (WBS 74-77). But here they gladly cooperate under David's inspired leadership. ("Ephraim" may sig all 10 tribes under its headship: 2Ch 25:6,7.)

JUDAH MY SCEPTER: Sig "king" (LXX). Cp Gen 49:10. Ultimately to be fulfilled by the "Lion of the tribe of Judah" (Rev 5:5).

Psa 108:9

Slavery for both Moab and Edom (2Sa 8:2,4; ct Oba 1:3). See, in general, Psa 72:8-10 and Isa 60:11.

MOAB IS MY WASHBASIN: A designed ct with the occasion when Moab was the source of Israel's defilement, through the immoral enticements of its women (Num 25:1)? Or, a sign of contempt: a mere basin to hold the dirty water when the warriors' feet had been washed after victory (cp Psa 58:10). It was the servant's duty to wash the master's feet (cp 2Ki 3:11). Moab, always arrogant (Isa 16:6), is to become the most menial of Israel's slaves!

UPON EDOM I TOSS MY SANDAL: A play on words: in Heb "hadom" means footstool. Poss the practice impl taking possession of a piece of land (Rth 4:7,8; Deu 25:6-10), or even "treading down" (as v 13).

PHILISTIA: See Lesson, Philistia in prophecy.

Psa 108:10

WHO WILL BRING ME TO THE FORTIFIED CITY?: Petra, the rock-hewn city of Edom. Carved out of red rock, and could only be approached by a narrow path about 1 1/2 mi long. On each side were steep cliffs rising almost perpendicularly, making it almost impregnable.

Psa 108:11

Quoted in Psa 44:9, a Hezekiah psalm, when there was a comparable crisis of hopelessness. Does this v imply that David's army were initially repulsed in attempting to avenge their earlier losses against Edom?

Psa 108:13

HE WILL TRAMPLE DOWN OUR ENEMIES: Alluded to in Isa 63:3, another "Edom" prophecy. First fulfilled by David in 2Sa 8:13,14; 2nd in Hezekiah's raid on Edom after the Assyrian debacle; and lastly when Christ comes to save Israel from their vindictive Arab enemies.


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