The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Psalm 98

Psa 98:1

A PSALM: This is the only psalm with such an abbreviated title -- so that it is sometimes called "the orphan psalm". Doubtless this title once had special significance, but today nobody knows what that was. Most likely the author is Isaiah. There are such marked resemblances that this psalm might well be termed a mosaic of Isaiah's phrasing.

HISTORICAL SETTING: A dramatic ct between the misery occasioned by the Assyrian invasion on the one hand, and on the other the great salvation brought by the Angel of the Lord. This salvation leads on to a matchless Year of Jubilee and a period of unexampled prosperity and blessing, and imparts a unique reality to the phrasing of the psalm.

A NEW SONG: The situation calls for a new song (cp Psa 33:3; 40:3; 96:1; 98:1; 144:9; 149:1), for nothing like it had happened since Israel's deliverance from Egypt (hence the frequent reference in Isaiah to that salvation); cp the language of Exo 15:1,2,6,7.

(NT) Echoed time and again in the Apocalypse (Rev 5:9-14; 11:16,17; 14:1-3; 19:4-8).

MARVELOUS THINGS: Cp Psa 106:7); "the standard term for the miraculous interventions of God" (Kidner).

HIS HOLY ARM: (NT) His holy arm, shown in power (Isa 59:16; 63:5), is Jesus, now glorified (Isa 53:1).

Psa 98:3

HE HAS REMEMBERED HIS LOVE AND HIS FAITHFULNESS TO THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL: (NT) Both Mary and Zacharias went instinctively to these words when contemplating the fulfillment of the great Messianic purpose through Jesus and John (Luk 1:54,72). Mary's Song, esp, contains a number of connections with this psalm. The Covenants of Promise: Mic 7:21. "Mercy", because freely given to sinners irrespective of merit. "Truth", because the fulfillment of God's Promises is absolutely certain.

ALL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH: Or "the Land". Hezekiah's appeal had gone a long way towards reuniting the nation (2Ch 30:5-11).

THE SALVATION OF OUR GOD: Literally seen in the mighty theophany described in Psa 97:1-5; Isa 37:36.

Psa 98:5

Vv 5,6: This suggests a special service of praise in the Temple, in thanksgiving for a great deliverance.

Psa 98:6

TRUMPETS: Associated with resurrection (1Co 15:52; 1Th 4:16; Rev 11:15-18). Trumpets also signaled the coronation or approach of a king (1Ki 1:34,39; 2Ki 9:13; 11:12,14), and therefore accompanied the Ark to Zion (1Ch 15:24,28; 16:6,42) -- because it represented the real presence of God, the true King of Israel.

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