The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Psalm 95

Psa 95:1

TITLE: The LXX fills in the blank with "By David" (and cp Heb 4:7). But LXX psalms titles are not necessarily to be relied upon: All the psalms from 94 to 99 have the addition "By David", but the psalms themselves do not always validate such an ascription. And "in David" (not "by David") in Heb 4:7 may merely be a shorthand way of saying "in the Book of Psalms" -- because David was a chief writer of Psalms. (In like manner, "the Psalms" is used in the NT as a synonym for all of the poetic Writings of Scripture: Luk 24:44.)

HISTORICAL SETTING: Like most other untitled psalms, prob a Hezekiah setting. The exhortation of vv 1,2 to come before Yahweh in worship matches Hezekiah's strong appeal made to the northern tribes, as well as to his own kingdom, to renew observance of the Passover (2Ch 30:5-13).

ROCK: "Tsur". Psa 89:26; 94:22; Exo 17:6,7; Deu 32:15.

Psa 95:2

WITH MUSIC AND SONG: Hezekiah's psalms in Isa 38:20, and poss in Isa 30:29 -- where the night of a holy feast = the Passover.

Psa 95:3

ABOVE ALL GODS: The "gods" of Egypt. Here is an allusion back to the first Passover (Exo 12:12). The ten plagues seem to have been designed by God as direct attacks upon specific "gods" of the Egyptians, to show that their "power" was no match for His.

ABOVE ALL GODS: A double meaning: God is above both all human rulers (as in Psa 82:1,6) and above all man-made "gods" (Isa 40:18-20; 45:21,22; etc.).

Psa 95:4

To God belong both the "depths" and the "heights" (RSV) -- and so we should rejoice in both trials and blessings. And if the greatest extremes (both of the physical creation and of the lives of His children) belong to God, then of course everything else between those extremes likewise belongs to Him.

THE DEPTHS OF THE EARTH: An allusion to the conduit of Hezekiah leading to Siloam.

THE MOUNTAIN PEAKS: "The strength of the hills" (AV) points to the special Rock of sacrifice on the temple mount.

Psa 95:5

THE SEA... THE DRY LAND: Ref the crossing of the Red Sea.

Psa 95:6

THE LORD OUR MAKER: The words imply a New Creation of men and women. This theme recurs in prophecies and psalms of this period: Psa 145:9,10; 100:3; Isa 29:23; 43:21; cp also Col 1:15,16.

Psa 95:7

THE PEOPLE OF HIS PASTURE: Cp Psa 100:3. Another wilderness allusion, to Israel as God's "flock" in Sinai (Psa 80:1, notes).

TODAY, IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE: A ref to Hezekiah's appeal to the ten tribes by messengers and letters -- the kind of response which is summed up in 2Ch 30:10,11. "His voice" is God's voice. So the directive concerning this reformation came from Him (through one of His prophets), and not merely from the king.

Psa 95:8

DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS: As did Pharaoh (Exo 7:14; 8:15,32; 9:7,34; 10:1). Learn from him!

Hard-heartedness is first seen in Pharaoh (Exo 4:21; 7:3,13; 8:15,32; 9:12,34; 10:1,20,27; 11:10; 14:4,8). So when this description is used of anyone in Israel, it is very pointed: 'You are being like the oppressing Egyptians from whom I have delivered you!' Cp Deu 15:7; 2Ch 36:13; Psa 95:8; Isa 63:17; Mark 10:5; 16:14; John 12:40; Rom 2:5.

MERIBAH... MASSAH: See Exo 17:7; Num 20:13,24. The beginning and end of wilderness provocation and disloyalty. Both incidents concerned the miraculous provision of water from a Rock (cp v 1 here; 1Co 10:4).

Psa 95:11

See Num. 14:28-30.

As to Hezekiah's day: The northern kingdom had already been devastated by the Assyrians. Their only hope was salvation through God's king in Jerusalem.

MY REST: The "rest" which God enjoys and also the "rest" which He is glad to share: Deu 12:9; Num 10:33; 1Ch 28:2; 1Ki 8:56; Mic 2:10; Psa 132:8-14; Isa 66:1; Mat 11:28,29. "Rest" has connection with the "sabbath rest" -- as in Heb 3; 4 -- and the place where His Ark resides (eg 2Ch 6:41).

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