The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Psalm 5

Psa 5:1

Psa 5 is, like Psa 3, a morning hymn (v 3). Poss ref to daily sacrifices (Exo 29:38-42) and daily incense (Exo 30:1-8). Incense = prayers of saints (Rev 5:8-10; 8:4; Luk 1:10; Psa 141:2).

SUPERSCRIPTION: "A PSALM OF DAVID": Like Psalms 3,4, David fleeing from Absalom: 2Sa 15-18: (a) v 10: "rebelled"; (b) cp v 6 with 4:2; (c) David prays that enemies may fall by their own counsels (v 10; cp 2Sa 15:31).

Outline: 1. Prayer: The wicked: "For" (vv 4-6) and the righteous: "But" (v 7). 2. Prayer: The wicked: "For" (vv 9,10) and the righteous: "But" (vv 11,12).

SIGHING: Same root as Psa 1:2; 2:1.

Psa 5:2

MY CRY: Psa 3:4; 22:24.

MY KING: To rule, direct: "Lead me" (v 8). The king on earth seeks help from the King in heaven.

MY GOD: "Elohim". To save, defend: "Defend me" (vv 11,12).

Psa 5:3

IN THE MORNING... YOU HEAR MY VOICE: Fine time for communion with God. An hour in the morning is worth 2 in the evening.

LAY.. .BEFORE YOU: "Garak" = to prepare, arrange, set in order, as a sacrifice. "I set out my morning sacrifice" (NEB). Used of preparing wood on the altar in Gen 22:9; Exo 40:4,23. Used of priests in arranging the sacrifices in Lev 1:8,12; 6:12. A term perfectly suitable also for those called to be spiritual "priests" (1Pe 2:9).

AND WAIT IN EXPECTATION: Or, "look up" (AV), with hands uplifted (Psa 28:2; 134:2; 141:2). From Heb rt for "mizpah" (watchtower). Waiting for an answer from God: cp Psa 85:8; Isa 21:6,8; Mic 7:7; Hab 2:1.

Psa 5:4

WITH YOU THE WICKED CANNOT DWELL: "Evil may not sojourn with thee" (RSV). "Wrong will be no guest of thine" (Roth). Cp Psa 15:1-5; Hab 1:13; Isa 57:15.

Psa 5:5

STAND: Lit "station themselves", as priests in an official capacity.

YOU HATE ALL WHO DO WRONG: Those who plan and practice the vilest sins as though it were all in a day's work! (Deu 7:25; Psa 45:7; Pro 6:16-19; Luk 13:27; Rev 2:6,15)

Psa 5:7

BUT I: "But as for me" (AV). The same phrase in Psa 73:2. For same general thoughts, see Psa 73:2,3,17: we may be distressed by the wicked, but only until we enter God's sanctuary and understand what their end shall be.

I WILL COME INTO YOUR HOUSE: ct the evil, who cannot dwell with God (v 4). The righteous will not stand back at a distance, but will come with confidence into the very sanctuary of God, as a child comes without fear or hesitation into his father's house (Luk 2:49).

TEMPLE: "Heykal" = palace (cp 45:8,15; 144:12). The Lord's dwelling place: either heaven (Psa 11:4) or the most holy, or heavenly, place (Psa 18:6; 1Sa 1:9; 3:3). "Temple" and "tabernacle" are convertible terms (cp Psa 27:4 with Psa 27:6). "Temple" was applied to the Mosaic tabernacle in 1Sa 1:9; 3:3. "Only he who will not allow for any freedom of expression in poetry would draw conclusions against Davidic authorship from the fact that words such as 'beth' (house) and 'heykal' (palace) are here used, and emphasize that in David's day the sanctuary was still an 'ohel' (tent)" (Kessler).

Psa 5:8

LEAD ME, O LORD, IN YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS: As a little child is led by its father, or as a blind man is guided by a friend. It is safe and pleasant walking when the Lord leads the way!

MAKE STRAIGHT YOUR WAY BEFORE ME: Cp Isa 40:3. David's walk, or way, was watched by his enemies; so he prays that God will direct him in a careful, consistent walk.

Psa 5:9

DESTRUCTION: "An engulfing ruin" (Roth); An "abyss".

THEIR THROAT IS AN OPEN GRAVE: Continually gaping; loathsome, abominable, dangerous, and never satisfied (Pro 30:15,16). As the odor of death emanates from open tombs, so also from the lips of wicked men. The words of flatterers (cp Pro 28:23) may at first "smell" sweet, like the spices of the embalmers, but they scarcely conceal the putrefying corruption underneath! Cited Rom 3:13; to prove that all men, both Jews and Gentiles, are under sin.

WITH THEIR TONGUE THEY SPEAK DECEIT: "A smooth tongue is a great evil; many have been bewitched by it... When the wolf licks the lamb, he is preparing to wet his teeth in its blood" (CHS).

Psa 5:10

LET THEIR INTRIGUES BE THEIR DOWNFALL: Poss the counsels of Ahithophel (2Sa 15:31; 17:14,23; see Psa 3, 4).

Psa 5:11

Vv 11,12: The 5 steps to blessing for the righteous: trust, joy, security, love, and blessing.

Psa 5:12

SHIELD: "Zinnah", a large shield (cp 35:2).

SUBSCRIPTION: "FOR THE DIRECTOR OF MUSIC. WITH STRINGED INSTRUMENTS. ACCORDING TO SHEMINITH": "Neginoth" (Psalms 3, 5, 53, 54, 60 -- "Neginah", singular, 66, and 75; Hab 3:19; Isa 38:20). "Neginoth" sig "to strike", as upon a musical instrument, or in affliction. Trials of affliction are for the development of godly character; so sing in the Philippian jail. "Sheminith": Eight, or the eighth: a poss ref to circumcision, performed the 8th day (Gen 17:12; Lev 12:3; Luk 1:59; 2:21; Act 7:8; Phi 3:5). May indicate a male choir in the temple (cp also Psa 11; 1Ch 15:21). The "8th": certain esp solemn seasons of worship, on the 8th day (Lev 23:36; Num 29:35; Neh 8:18).

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