The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Psalm 119

See Lesson, Acrostics.

8 KEY WORDS: "Torah" (Law) (v 1..), "eduth" (statutes) (v 2..), "piqqudim" (precepts) (v 4..), "huqqim" (decrees) (v 5..), "mishvoth" (commands) (v 6..), "mishpatim" (judgments, or ordinances) (v 7..), "dabar" (word) (v 9..), and "imrah" (promise, or word) (v 11..).

HEZEKIAH IN PSALM 119: His reformation (30,60,104), sickness (17,23,76,83,84,92,143,149,153,175), recovery (45,54), the Assyrian invasion (22,23,42,95,121,141,161), ultimate triumph (46,62,119).

MESSIAH IN PSALM 119: trials (50,67,71,75,107,153), suffering contempt (22,39,42), ill-treatment (121,134), persecution (23,161), mocking, lying, etc (51,61,68,78,84,85,86,95,122,150,157), in peril for his life (87,109). Persecuted by faithless Israelites (53,21,139). Their indifference to the law aroused his burning indignation (53), his profound sorrow (136). Confronted by laxity and apostasy (113,126,158), and by evil example (29,37,115).

Psa 119:1

WALK: "Halachah", the religious regime followed by a good Jew. Also in NT, "walk" sig "way of life" (1Co 7:17; 2Co 6:16; Rom 6:4).

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51,53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:2

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79, 88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

SEEK HIM WITH ALL THEIR HEART: The emphasis is not on the emotions but on the mind, will, intention, purpose. Seeking God now and then, or in half-hearted fashion, brings little or no blessing: cp Psa 27:8; Jer 24:7; 29:13.

Psa 119:3

One of 3 vv in Psa 119 lacking one of 8 key words. This v, however, does have "ways" (derek: cp v 37)!

THEY DO NOTHING WRONG: Here is more idealism. Or is the phrase to be read as meaning: 'They practice no iniquity', as in 1Jo 3:9; 5:18? Cp also Rom 6:14.

Psa 119:4

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,56,63,69,78,87,93,94, 100,104,110,128,134,141,159,168,173.

THAT ARE TO BE FULLY OBEYED: God's Law is sought, not merely for the purpose of knowing it, but esp for the purpose of keeping it.

Psa 119:5

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,15,171.

Here is (a) an open admission of the innate waywardness of human nature; and (b) an emotional longing to be a changed person -- which can only come through divine direction (Phi 4:13).

Psa 119:6

THEN I WOULD NOT BE PUT TO SHAME: As anyone with alert conscience is bound to be (Gen 3:7).

WHEN I CONSIDER ALL YOUR COMMANDS: Literally, 'when I look upon, or into' them -- as with a mirror (cp Jam 1:23).

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

Psa 119:7

Cp vv 106,160,164. The words plainly imply that the way to achieve uprightness of heart is through close attention to God's righteous judgments. Contrast the futility of the "good resolution" method ever to achieve significant change for the better.

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:8

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155, 171.

DO NOT UTTERLY FORSAKE ME: That is, 'but it will only be possible if you do not forsake me.'

Psa 119:9

HOW CAN A YOUNG MAN KEEP HIS WAY PURE? BY LIVING ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD: Cp Psa 19:12; 34:11; 2Co 7:1). One's way of life and God's Word should be put side by side, and examined together. How easy it is to do otherwise: to examine the Bible for a bit, quite theoretically, and then to put it entirely out of one's mind while pondering the problems of how one should live in "the real world"! There is no young man who can afford to neglect this self-examination along with God's Word. See Eph 5:26. Consider Hezekiah at the young age of 25 (2Ch 29:1,3). And consider the examples of young men like Joseph (Gen 39:9) and Daniel (Dan 1:8-20; 3:12-18).

WORD: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:10

I SEEK YOU WITH ALL MY HEART: "Love is life, and love of God is the highest and holiest and happiest form of life. But, because He is so great and high, and we are so small and low, love of God -- to be anything -- must be everything, or else it is nothing. Many have 'love of God' as a part-time hobby, a pleasant palliative on the shelf, with the iodine and aspirins, to use as needed. What the love of God demands is the whole heart, life, strength and mind -- at all times and in all things. Anything less is a mockery -- an indication that we are cruelly deceiving ourselves, and have not really made contact with God at all. If and when we truly do, the magnetism and attraction will be irresistible, and mere part-time service will be impossible and unthinkable" (GVG).

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

Psa 119:11

HIDDEN: Implying memorizing (v 13; cp Col 3:16)? Hiding not for concealment but for security (Mat 25:25; Psa 40:10; Luk 8:15).

WORD: "Imrah" (sometimes "promise"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154, 158,162,170,172.

Psa 119:12

TEACH ME: Vv 26,33,64,68,108,124,135.

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

Psa 119:13

WITH MY LIPS I RECOUNT ALL THE LAWS: According to the great Shema of Deu 6:4-7: "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up" (cp Gen 18:19; Psa 37:30; Pro 10:21; 15:4).

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:14

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

AS ONE REJOICES IN GREAT RICHES: Kingdom of heaven like treasure hid in a field (Mat 13:44).

Psa 119:15

I MEDITATE ON YOUR PRECEPTS: "There are times when solitude is better than society, and silence is wiser than speech. We should be better Christians if we were more alone, waiting upon God, and gathering through meditation on His Word spiritual strength for labour in His service. We ought to muse upon the things of God, because we thus get the real nutriment out of them. Truth is something like the cluster of the vine: if we would have wine from it, we must bruise it; we must press and squeeze it many times. The bruiser's feet must come down joyfully upon the bunches, or else the juice will not flow; and they must well tread the grapes, or else much of the precious liquid will be wasted. So we must, by meditation, tread the clusters of truth, if we would get the wine of consolation therefrom. Our bodies are not supported by merely taking food into the mouth, but the process which really supplies the muscle, and the nerve, and the sinew, and the bone, is the process of digestion. It is by digestion that the outward food becomes assimilated with the inner life. Our souls are not nourished merely by listening awhile to this, and then to that, and then to the other part of divine truth. Hearing, reading, marking, and learning, all require inwardly digesting to complete their usefulness, and the inward digesting of the truth lies for the most part in meditating upon it. Why is it that some Christians, although they hear many sermons, make but slow advances in the divine life? Because they neglect their closets, and do not thoughtfully meditate on God's Word. They love the wheat, but they do not grind it; they would have the corn, but they will not go forth into the fields to gather it; the fruit hangs upon the tree, but they will not pluck it; the water flows at their feet, but they will not stoop to drink it" (CHS).

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

Psa 119:16

I DELIGHT IN YOUR DECREES: "Delight" in the Law of God comes in this psalm more than in all the rest of the Bible (vv 35, 47,70,77). Paul quotes this in Rom 7:22: "For I delight in the law of God after the inward man."

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

WORD: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:17

WORD: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:18

OPEN MY EYES THAT I MAY SEE WONDERFUL THINGS IN YOUR LAW: A jewel of a verse. Cp Pro 25:2: "The honor of kings is to search out a matter." The exquisite joy of a sudden insight into a Bible passage. Here, for "open", LXX has "apokalypse", uncover, unveil, as a verb. "Did not our heart burn within us?" (Luk 24:32).

WONDERFUL THINGS: "Marvels" (LXX). Nearly always ref to miracles.

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51, 53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:19

I AM A STRANGER ON EARTH: Or, better, a sojourner (cp Psa 39:12) in the "Land". Like Abraham (Gen 17:8; 23:4; Heb 11:9,13; 13:4), and therefore in dire need of help. Therefore thy commandments are my best main support.

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

Psa 119:20

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:21

WHO ARE CURSED: Is the reference to Deu 27:26 ("Cursed be he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do them")?

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

Psa 119:22

REMOVE: Lit, "roll away", as at Gilgal (Jos 5:9). But, a paradox: we must bear the reproach as did Christ (Heb 13:12,13; Mat 16:24; 24:9) if we are to have removed from us the reproach of sin!

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

Psa 119:23


DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

Psa 119:24

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

Psa 119:25

I AM LAID LOW IN THE DUST; PRESERVE MY LIFE ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD: "My soul cleaveth unto the dust (Psa 22:15; 44:25): quicken (cp. vv. 37, 40, 50, 88, 93, 107, 144, 149, 154, 156) thou me according to thy word" (AV). The best cure for personal misery is close application to the Word of God. With this verse (in the LXX) compare Acts 22:7: "And I fell unto the ground, and heard a voice saying unto me, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?" The unusual Greek word for "dust" or "ground" used by Paul (edaphos) may recall Psa 119:25. Thus even as he fell to the dust at the vision of the Lord's glory, his prayer was "Quicken me according to thy word"!

WORD: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:26

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

Psa 119:27

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

Psa 119:28

Another assurance about the power of God's Word to cope with miseries of the soul. Consider vv 25,28 with reference to Gethsemane (Mat 26:37,38; Mark 14:33,34; Luke 22:44).

WORD: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:29

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51, 53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:30

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:31

HOLD FAST: "Cleave to". The idea behind "stuck" is that of a marriage (sw "cleave" in v 25; Gen 2:24; 1Ki 11:2). Loyalty to God's law may bring derision from the ungodly (Jesus had to face this), but any present shame will finally evaporate in true satisfaction and glory.

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

Psa 119:32

RUN: The idiom of a prophet taking the Word of God to the people: 1Ki 18:46; 2Ch 16:9; Psa 147:15; Jer 23:21; Dan 12:4; Amo 8:12; Hab 2:2; Eze 1:14,18,20; Zec 4:10; Gal 2:2; 2Th 3:1.

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

YOU HAVE SET MY HEART FREE: A heart released from bondage to sin and selfishness, so that it may "run" to carry a message of grace to those who are lost! "Enlarge" (KJV). Cp 2Co 6:11,13.

Psa 119:33

Vv 33-40: 'Teach me, O LORD, the way of Thy statutes... Give me understanding... Make me to go in the path of Thy commandments... Incline my heart unto Thy testimonies... Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity; and quicken Thou me in thy way... quicken me in Thy righteousness.' In all of these phrases the author requests God to be actively involved in changing his life. The latter phrases in particular ask God to overrule hiss whole mindset -- 'Incline my heart', 'make me to go in the path of Thy commandments', even 'quicken me' as though David needs a spark of life instilled in him.

It would be easy to read this as a plea for Holy Spirit guidance, and an argument against free will, if such was one's intent.

These phrases taken alone provide a very unbalanced view of the whole psalm, however. More than any other, this psalm acknowledges the need of the believer to be influenced by God's WORD.

The first requests are: 'Teach me, O LORD, the way of Thy statutes... Give me understanding'. Whence then cometh wisdom? and where is the place of understanding? (Job 28:20,28). The clearest answer comes in Psalm 119 itself (vv 104,130): "Through Thy precepts I get understanding... The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple."

Not that God is unable to impart understanding by direct 'mind manipulation' (as with Solomon), but that the scripturally approved method of finding it is emphatically by giving God's word entrance to one's heart. This is the way in which God teaches David, gives him understanding, makes him go in the path of God's commandments, inclines his heart to God's testimonies, turns away his heart from beholding vanity, and quickens him in God's way and in God's righteousness.

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

Psa 119:34

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51, 53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:35

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

FOR THERE I FIND DELIGHT: But if there is delight in God's commandments, why should the psalmist need to be made to go in them? Here is acknowledgment of the truth of Rom 7:21-23:
"I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: but I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members."

Even in the best of circumstances, and with the greatest faith, man is a creature that vacillates between two opinions, and he needs all the divine help he can get to stay in the right way. Vv 36,37 have the same kind of emphasis.

Psa 119:36

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

AND NOT TOWARD SELFISH GAIN: Cp v 72; Eze 33:31; Luke 12:15; 1Ti 6:10; Heb 13:5. Our Lord's parables (Luke 12:16-21; 16:14,19), his teaching (Mat 6:25-31), his terms of discipleship (Mat 16:24; 19:27-29; Luke 14:33), and his own example of poverty and renunciation of this world's comfort (Mat 8:20) all are directed against this destructive principle of covetousness.

Psa 119:37

One of 3 vv in Psa 119 lacking one of 8 key words. This v, however, does have "word" (= derek, way)!

WORTHLESS THINGS: "Vanities" (AV): that is, a lying vision, a mirage perhaps -- or an idol (which is, after all, nothing!). The word implies all that is trivial, hollow, or worthless. Paul links covetousness (cp v 36 here ) together with idolatry in Col 3:5. Anyone or anything to which a man attributes great worth (worth-ship, or worship!) becomes a "god", or an idol.

"There are divers kinds of vanity. The cap and bells of the fool, the mirth of the world, the dance, the lyre, and the cup of the dissolute, all these men know to be vanities; they wear upon their forefront their proper name and title. Far more treacherous are those equally vain things, the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches. A man may follow vanity as truly in the counting-house as in the theatre. If he be spending his life in amassing wealth, he passes his days in a vain show. Unless we follow Christ, and make our God the great object of life, we only differ in appearance from the most frivolous" (CHS).

Psa 119:38

PROMISE: "Imrah" (sometimes "word"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154, 158,162,170,172.

SO THAT YOU MAY BE FEARED: 111:10; Job 28:28; Pro 1:7; 9:10; 15:33; Ecc 12:13.

Psa 119:39

TAKE AWAY THE DISGRACE I DREAD: "Disgrace" normally means the sneers of others against the righteous. Against such disgrace God's just judgment will provide vindication. The word for "dread" is an unusually strong one (sw Deu 9:19; 28:60).

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:40

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

Psa 119:41

PROMISE: "Imrah" (sometimes "word"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154, 158,162,170,172.

Psa 119:42

THEN I WILL ANSWER: "So shall I have a word (dabar) to answer..." The taunts of Rabshakeh promised the utter overthrow of Judea and Jerusalem, but this noble psalmist put his trust in the promises of God (2Ch 32:6-8; 2Ki 18:36).

I TRUST IN YOUR WORD: "Dabar" again: 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg, as above), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101, 105,107,114,122 (textual emendation),130,139, 147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:43

WORD: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:44

ALWAYS: Or "continually", suggesting the daily sacrifice (as in vv 109,117).

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51, 53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174. An allusion to God's abiding covenant with the house of David?

FOR EVER AND EVER: A firm conviction of everlasting life in that Davidic kingdom.

Psa 119:45

IN FREEDOM: Hezekiah was no longer shut up because of his leprosy (2Ch 26:21), and no longer shut up because of the Assyrian siege. Also see 2Co 3:17: "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" (cp Jam 1:25).

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

Psa 119:46

I WILL SPEAK... BEFORE KINGS: Cp 2Ch 32:23: the Gentile kings giving glory to the God of Israel and to Hezekiah because of the miraculous overthrow of the hated Assyrian. "Liberty" in walking (v 45) will give confidence in speaking (v 46) (cp v 32). Note the amazing difference in the apostles (esp Peter) before (Mat 26:56,69,75) and after the resurrection (Act 2; 3; 4; 5), which set them free.

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

Psa 119:47

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

Psa 119:48

I LIFT UP MY HANDS: In an act of praise. Or (an ellipsis) "I will lift up my hands, praying for power to keep your commands." Or even: "I will lift up my hands toward Your holy place, where You keep Your commands." Uplifted hands in prayer: Exo 9:29,33; 2Ch 6:12; Ezr 9:5; Job 11:13; Psa 28:2; 44:20; 68:31; 88:9; 134:2; 141:2; 143:6; Isa 1:15. Praying toward the Most Holy: Dan 6:10; 1Ki 8:44,48; 2Ch 6:34; Psa 5:7; 138:2; Jon 2:4.

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

Psa 119:49

WORD: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

HOPE: Often has the specialized meaning "to hope for children": Rth 1:12,13; Jer 31:17; Rom 4:18; 1Pe 1:3. Hezekiah's great wish, that the Messianic line might be continued through him.

Psa 119:50

SUFFERING: Hezekiah's great illness.

PROMISE: "Imrah" (sometimes "word"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154, 158,162,170,172.

Psa 119:51

THE ARROGANT: Rabshakeh and Sennacherib (2Ch 32:10-20; cp Psa 42:3).

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51, 53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:52

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation),137,149,156, 160,164,175.

I FIND COMFORT IN THEM: "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope" (Rom 15:4).

Psa 119:53

THE WICKED, WHO HAVE FORSAKEN YOUR LAW: One of the main problems of Hezekiah's reign was the faithless policy of the irreligious princes, who ran the country while their king was ill.

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51,53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:54

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

WHEREVER I LODGE: "In the house of my pilgrimage" (AV), ie this transient earthly "tabernacle" (2Co 5:1,4). In the most profound sense, those who worship God while in mortal bodies are singing the Lord's song "in a strange land" (Psa 137:4). But one day they will sing "a new song", which no man (in the flesh) can learn (Rev 14:3).

Psa 119:55

IN THE NIGHT: When problems always seem their worst; then esp is the time to remember the Memorial Name.

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51,53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:56

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

Psa 119:57

YOU ARE MY PORTION: The words of a priest: Psa 16:5,6; 73:26; Num 18:20; Deu 10:8,9; 18:1. But Hezekiah, like David and Solomon, did make priestly intercession for his people (2Ch 30:18).

WORDS: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:58

Hezekiah's great prayer of Isa 38.

PROMISE: "Imrah" (sometimes "word"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154,158,162,170,172.

FACE (of God): In Psalms, always ref God's presence in ark/tabernacle/temple: see VL, Psalms, God's face.

Psa 119:59

Hezekiah's early decision to live a godly life.

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

Psa 119:60

I WILL HASTEN AND NOT DELAY: Gen 19:16,17; 22; Luk 19:5,6; Gal 1:15,16; 2Co 6:2. If something is really worth doing, it is worth doing without delay.

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

Psa 119:61

THE WICKED BIND ME WITH ROPES: The constricting and confining siege of Jerusalem by the marauding Assyrians.

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51, 53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:62

In general, cp Paul and Silas (Act 16:24,25).

MIDNIGHT: Time of Passover deliverance: Isa 37:36.

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102,106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation),137,149,156,160,164,175.

"There are many reasons we cannot sleep at night -- maybe it is medical, maybe our children keep us awake or we are awakened by noises, the weather or unquiet thoughts. And some of us have more sleepless nights than others. But the question is, where do we go when our sleep goes from us? Where do our thoughts go? What do we think about? What do we say to ourselves or to someone else?

"The psalmist may have had a problem with sleepless nights but through this psalm we know exactly where his thoughts were as he lay awake. He said, 'At midnight I rise to give you thanks.' What better use could we give to an overactive mind (or a mind that is forced to be active), than to think of all the wonderful things that God has done for us and then to give thanks and to praise Him for what He has done? There have been times when I have been awakened during the night and have lain in bed feeling sorry for myself, counting all the things that were going against me (and often what was going to go against me). But a much better use of my time would have been to count my blessings because there are so many more to count, and then to give praise to my maker for all He has done for me.

"So next time we are sleepless, let's count our blessings (not sheep) and give thanks to our shepherd, our creator, for what He has done" (RP).

Psa 119:63

I AM A FRIEND TO ALL WHO FEAR YOU: Allusion to the faithful remnant which centered round the king and the prophet (eg, Isa 8:11-20). For the idea, see Psa 1:1 and Mal 3:16,17.

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

Psa 119:64

THE EARTH IS FILLED WITH YOUR LOVE, O LORD: Psa 24:1; 33:5; 104:24; Isa 6:3; Hab 2:14; 3:3. "The statutes of one who fills the world with goodness must be good" (WK).

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

Psa 119:65

WORD: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:66

FOR I BELIEVE: Unless a man believes, the Bible is useless to him (Joh 7:17; 1Th 2:13). But when he really believes he becomes consumed with an eagerness for divine knowledge, and he begins to partake of the special power of Holy Scripture that brings salvation (Rom 1:16,17).

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

Psa 119:67

BEFORE I WAS AFFLICTED I WENT ASTRAY: Waywardness in early days? Hezekiah's regency, when somewhat under his corrupt father's influence. Then was it the writing of a copy of the Law (Deu 17:18-20) which brought about a dramatic change at the very beginning of Hezekiah's reign?

WORD: "Imrah" (sometimes "promise"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154, 158,162,170,172.

Psa 119:68

YOU ARE GOOD, AND WHAT YOU DO IS GOOD: Cp Exo 34:6,7. It is characteristic of this psalm that, the higher the conception of the Divine Nature, the more earnest becomes the prayer for knowledge of His will in relation to conduct.

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

Psa 119:69

THE ARROGANT HAVE SMEARED ME WITH LIES: Cp the modern equivalent of political "mud-slinging". Either false Assyrian propaganda (Isa 36:14-18), or an undermining of the king's authority and a perversion of his policies by the princes (men like Shebna) who took over the direction of affairs during the king's sickness. False AssyrIan propaganda (Isa 36:14-18) or an undermining of Hezekiah's authority when he lay sick.

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

Psa 119:70

AV: "Their heart is fat as grease": The great evil of material prosperity: Psa 17:10; 73:7; Isa 6:10. Cp Eglon: Jdg 3.

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51, 53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:71

IT WAS GOOD FOR ME TO BE AFFLICTED: "There are many keen joys discovered in the midst of affliction never dreamed of in the stupefying atmosphere of prosperity and ease. This is of God, who hath given even to affliction its compensating sweetness. In affliction the shell of thoughtless shallowness is broken through and heart speaks to heart in intimate and comforting communion. All the little meaningless things fade into their true insignificance, and the real and true things stand out in large and clear perspective" (GVG).

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

Psa 119:72

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51, 53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

MORE PRECIOUS THAN... SILVER AND GOLD: Psa 19:10; Pro 3:13-15; 8:10,11,19; Mat 13:45

Psa 119:73

YOUR HANDS HAVE MADE ME AND FORMED ME; GIVE ME UNDERSTANDING TO LEARN YOUR COMMANDS: Mat 7:7; Jam 1:5. See Psa 139; Gen 1:26. This verse pleads: 'Lord, finish the job. Give me understanding of Your ways also.' We are all, even at secondhand, subjects of the original creation; we hope to be subjects of the "New Creation" -- so that God's original intention for man and the earth may be completed and realized in us.

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

Psa 119:74

MAY THOSE WHO FEAR YOU REJOICE WHEN THEY SEE ME: Hezekiah, restored from sickness, became immed the renewed focus of hope for the faithful remnant of the nation.

WORD: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:75

IN FAITHFULNESS YOU HAVE AFFLICTED ME: "Faithful are the wounds of a friend" (Pro 27:6). Despise not the chastening of the Lord (Heb 12:5; Pro 3:11,12).

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:76

PROMISE: "Imrah" (sometimes "word"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154,158,162,170,172.

Psa 119:77

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51, 53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:78

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

Psa 119:79

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

Psa 119:80

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

Psa 119:81

MY SOUL FAINTS WITH LONGING FOR YOUR SALVATION: Lit, 'comes to an end', 'perishes'.

SALVATION: Gen 49:18; 2Sa 23:5).

BUT I HAVE PUT MY HOPE IN YOUR WORD: Low-spirited perhaps, but with Bible in hand hope is never abandoned: Psa 73:26; 84:2,5.

WORD: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation), 130,139,147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:82

PROMISE: "Imrah" (sometimes "word"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154, 158,162,170,172.

Psa 119:83

A WINESKIN IN THE SMOKE: This refers to a dried, cracked wineskin, blackened with the smoke of affliction and suffering: "Their skin has shriveled on their bones; it has become as dry as a stick" (Lam 4:8). Skins filled with wine were hung at the tops of tents, where it was smoky and hot, so that the wine might mature. This is a beautiful allegory: while the skin (the outward man) ages and grows less useful and more brittle and unsightly, the wine inside (the inner man!) matures and develops perfection of character. In Christ's parable, constructed along similar lines, the skin symbolizes the "outer man" of the believer, which is but the receptacle for the "wine" of the teaching and spirit of God: "Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved" (Mat 9:17).

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

Psa 119:84

HOW LONG MUST YOUR SERVANT WAIT?: "Few and evil..." (Gen 47:9; cp Psa 89:46-48).

PUNISH: "Execute judgment" in AV: "Judgment" = Heb "mishpatim", otherwise translated "laws" in NIV. 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102,106,108,120, 121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

WHEN WILL YOU PUNISH MY PERSECUTORS?: The brevity of human life -- any human life, but perhaps especially Hezekiah's -- is used as a plea for early help. 'Are my days so many as to allow delay? May I live long enough to see Your justice done!' (cp Psa 89:49-51; and esp Isa 38:10-14).

Psa 119:85

PITFALLS: Cp Psa 7:15; 9:15.

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51, 53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:86

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

Psa 119:87

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

Psa 119:88

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

Psa 119:89

WORD: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

FIRM IN THE HEAVENS: The unalterable law of the heavens presents a picture of God's unfailing promises: Psa 89:2,29,36; Jer 31:35,37.

Psa 119:90

One of 3 vv in Psa 119 lacking one of 8 key words. This v, however, does have "faithfulness" (emuwnah)!

YOU ESTABLISHED THE EARTH, AND IT ENDURES: Ecc 1:4; Psa 37:29; 104:5; Pro 10:30; 11:31; Mat 5:5; Rom 4:13; and many more!

Psa 119:91

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Link this verse with vv 89,90. "From the ministering of the archangel to the labour of the insect, from the poising of the planets to the gravitation of a grain of dust, the power and glory of all creatures and of all matter consists in their obedience, not in their freedom" (Ruskin).

Psa 119:92

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51, 53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

I WOULD HAVE PERISHED IN MY AFFLICTION: Affliction is a killer. Delight in God's Law is the only effective antidote. Cp Paul's "If Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished" (1Co 15:17,18).

Psa 119:93

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

I WILL NEVER FORGET... YOU HAVE PRESERVED MY LIFE: Does a man ever forget the one who saved his life?

Psa 119:94

I AM YOURS: Those who belong to Christ (1Co 3:23; Eph 2:10), who have been purchased with his blood (Act 20:28; 1Co 6:19,20), can expect that he will not lightly forfeit his "investment". If they have truly sought for him, so they know he will seek for them when they are in danger and save them -- time and time again (Isa 43:1; 44:21,22; Joh 6:38,39; 17:12).

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

Psa 119:95

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

Psa 119:96

TO ALL PERFECTION I SEE A LIMIT: That is, of all HUMAN perfection: Rom 3:19. "Vanity and vexation... Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun. And I turned myself to behold wisdom, and madness, and folly: for what can the man do that cometh after the king? even that which hath been already done" (Ecc 2:10,11).

BUT YOUR COMMANDS ARE BOUNDLESS: "We can only have the highest happiness by having wide thoughts and much feeling for the rest of the world" (Eliot).

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

Psa 119:97

We love the Law because it is God's Law, and it lives because He lives! God's Law leads us to Him, reveals Him to us, draws us to Him, binds us to Him, and teaches us how to dwell in peace within the circle of His love and holiness.

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51, 53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:98

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

THEY: "Your commands", not "my enemies"!

Psa 119:99

Vv 99,100: The assertions here would be outrageously egotistical if they were not plain truth. And the reasons are given: "More than my teachers... more than the ancients (aged: RSV; cp Job 32:7)" should be true for all dedicated students of the Word today. There is no excuse for a bright young apprentice to the Scripture not knowing by the time he is twenty or twenty-five the best that his teachers of earlier generations have bequeathed to him.

How outstandingly true these verses were concerning Jesus: "And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers" (Luke 2:47). "And the Jews marveled, saying, 'How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?' " (John 7:15). "The officers answered, 'Never man spake like this man' " (v. 46).

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

Psa 119:100

MORE UNDERSTANDING THAN THE ELDERS: Jesus at 12 in the Temple (Luk 2:40-52).

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

Psa 119:101

I HAVE KEPT MY FEET FROM EVERY EVIL PATH: So there is a place in the life of the dedicated believer for negative rules -- not "Thou shalt not", but "I will not" -- in order to make room for fuller spiritual development. The best rules are not the ones forced upon us, but the ones which we make (wisely and prudently, guided by the Bible, of course) for ourselves!

Without a firm intention, nothing good was ever accomplished. "Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good" (Rom 12:9).

WORD: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:102

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation),137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:103

WORDS: "Imrah" (sometimes "promise"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154, 158,162,170,172.

SWEETER THAN HONEY: Honey sym wisdom (Rev 10:9-11; Exo 16:31; Deu 32:13; 1Sa 14:27,28; Psa 19:10; 81:16; Pro 24:13; Eze 3:3; Luk 24:42).

Psa 119:104

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

HATE: A proper place for hating: cp v 113; Psa 101:3; 139:21,22; Rev 2:6.

Psa 119:105

"Is it not the essential condition of even human friendship that enlightenment should be a thing of normal habit? But enlightenment is not native: darkness is. Enlightenment to be attained or retained must be kindled by external appliance, and there must be renewal. Light the lamp and leave it, and it will become dark again. It is so on all subjects, especially the knowledge of God, for which the mind has the least affinity. Dress the lamps every morning. Read the Bible every day. This will keep you supplied with oil that will cause light. 'Thy word is light': it is the light. 'Thy word is truth': it is the truth. Any other truth is darkness for the highest purpose of life, as all men will feel when suddenly confronted with the glory of God at the coming of Christ. Knowledge of mines: knowledge of metals: knowledge of countries: knowledge of languages or of physical elements -- is all very well in its place: it is the knowledge of God and His ways and His intentions and His will that constitutes the true light of life" (LM 192).

WORD: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

LIGHT: May sig "dawn", or "morning light": cp Christ's parables: Mat 5:15,16; Mar 4:21-25; Luk 8:16; 11:33.

Psa 119:106

I HAVE TAKEN AN OATH AND CONFIRMED IT: These redundant words recognize the weakness of human nature and the strong spirit of dedication that is needed if any positive ambitions are to be carried out. God's help is always available to earnest seekers, but personal resolution is needed too. It may not be expressed in Scriptural terms, but the thought certainly is Scriptural: 'God helps those who (try to?) help themselves!'

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:107

I HAVE SUFFERED MUCH: And surely the One who is Himself afflicted in all our afflictions (Isa. 63:9) will hear and answer such a prayer.

WORD: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation), 130,139,147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:108

WILLING PRAISE OF MY MOUTH: The word is "freewill offerings": Hos 14:2; Heb 13:15,16.

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:109

Or, "my life is continually in YOUR hands" (cp LXX).

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51, 53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:110

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

Psa 119:111

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

HERITAGE: 'And thus I need no other inheritance -- lands, property, silver or gold.' If God is our heritage, then all other things are ours too (1Co 3:21-23; 2Co 6:10; Mat 19:29; Mar 10:29,30).

Psa 119:112

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

TO THE VERY END: The last phrase is very emphatic. It proclaims a life-long loyalty to truth and godliness. Compare v 33.

Psa 119:113

I HATE DOUBLE-MINDED MEN: The KJV has "vain thoughts". All thoughts which the mind naturally inclines to are trivial, unwholesome, and even debasing. The RSV and NIV personalize the verse, thus: "double-minded men" (cp Jam 1:8). The word is akin to that used by Elijah of the foolish people who halted, or hobbled, or hopped back and forth between two opinions (1Ki 18:21). Moffatt put it this way: "the men who are half and half". How the psalmist hates such men! How Christ does also (Rev 3:15,16)! But how they (ie, the psalmist and Christ) love God's law!

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51, 53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:114

REFUGE: That is, from storms (Isa 32:2).

SHIELD: That is, from enemies (Gen 15:1; Psa 3:3; 5:12; Eph 6:16).

I HAVE PUT MY HOPE IN YOUR WORD: Not only does he take refuge in Yahweh Himself, but also he trusts in His word. There is no incongruity here. It is precisely because God Himself is unchangeable, and always faithful, that His word is equally to be trusted. The two loyalties -- to God personally and to what He has written -- are never in conflict; they should always run parallel. The man who seems to love either one while paying no real regard to the other (and either of the two possibilities does happen!) is a sad contradiction.

WORD: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation), 130,139,147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:115


COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

Psa 119:116

PROMISE: "Imrah" (sometimes "word"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154, 158,162,170,172.

DO NOT LET MY HOPES BE DASHED: AV has: "Let me not be ashamed of my hope." Is this referred to in Rom 5:5: "And hope maketh not ashamed"?

Psa 119:117

UPHOLD ME: "My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me" (Psa 63:8). "Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, LEANING upon her beloved?" (Song 8:5).

UPHOLD ME, AND I WILL BE DELIVERED: "We must develop an intimate relationship with God, so that we turn instinctively and immediately to Him in every problem, every care, every sorrow, every joy -- yea, in every daily decision in life -- with full assurance, as a small child to a parent" (GVG).

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

Psa 119:118

YOU REJECT: Or "tread down" (AV). For God's enemies being trodden underfoot, see Josh 10:24; Psa 8:6; 110:1.)

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

THEIR DECEITFULNESS IS IN VAIN: Or "false". But is not all deceit falsehood? Perhaps this is esp false in the sense of denying or flouting God's Law.

Psa 119:119

DROSS: The worthless residue from the refining of metal (Jer 6:28-30; Eze 22:18-20).

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59, 79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168. In ct to first part of v, God's statutes are the true "gold" (Psa 12:6; 19:8; Pro 30:5)!

Psa 119:120

MY FLESH TREMBLES IN FEAR OF YOU: "Flesh" can be read here both literally (the meaning of which is easy) and figuratively (with reference to the baser side of human nature). "Trembleth" is an extraordinarily powerful word: other versions have "bristles" (hair standing on end!), "shudders", and "creeps".

I STAND IN AWE OF YOUR LAWS: Not a fear of God's retribution against the wicked or of the great Day of Judgment, but rather a trembling before the sheer idealism and purity of God's Law.

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:121

A sharp contrast between Hezekiah's conscientious rule of his people, and the brutal oppression threatened by the Assyrian invasion.

RIGHTEOUS: Reltd "mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84, 91,102,106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:122

ENSURE: One of the two verses (see also v 132) which appear to lack any reference to God's Law or Word. But it requires only a very slight change in the Heb text (an error which is paralleled in quite a few places), in order to read "Be surety for thy servant (abad) for good" as "Undertake [for me; s Isa. 38:14] by thy word (dabar) for good". "To be surety... for good" means to guarantee the safety of another (see Gen 43:9; 44:32; Job 17:3).

"Dabar" occurs 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation), 130,139,147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:123

Here is a picture of a man deprived of godly instruction and without a sense of safety. Hezekiah's sickness and the Assyrian threat came together: Isa 38:5,6.

PROMISE: "Imrah" (sometimes "word"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154, 158,162,170,172.

Psa 119:124

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

Psa 119:125

I AM YOUR SERVANT: Thus I can demand nothing, but I CAN beg!

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

Psa 119:126

IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO ACT: This must have been appropriate to quote throughout all the decadent ages of mankind, but how much more so today! Another form of the reiterated plea: 'How long, O Lord?' How important it is that prayers for the coming of God's Kingdom should be motivated by an eagerness to see His authority and righteousness openly asserted. How often is the motive different from this: eg, a change to an era of personal comfort or exaltation -- 'MY kingdom come'!

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51, 53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:127

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

Psa 119:128

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

Psa 119:129

WONDERFUL: Sw Deu 30:11 ("hidden"). God's testimonies are deeper by far than any man can fathom -- though we are expected continually to make the effort (Pro 25:2).

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

Psa 119:130

UNFOLDING: "Pethach", the opening of a door. As a beam of light from an opened door illuminates a dark chamber, so God's word, once admitted to a natural mind, enlightens every corner (Luk 24:32; Act 17:3).

WORDS: "Dabar", which occurs 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17, 25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg),43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101, 105,107,114,122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160, 161,169.

Psa 119:131

I OPEN MY MOUTH AND PANT: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled" (Mat 5:6).

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

Psa 119:132

AS YOU ALWAYS DO: Lit, "as in your judgments (mishpatim) upon..." "Mishpatim" occurs 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102,106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:133

ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD: If iniquity is not to have dominion, God's word must be the means of release from that bondage. Any appeal to or expectation of "God's Spirit" to guide man in some vague, ethereal way -- without recourse to the written word -- will never yield the desired results. Undoubtedly God's Holy Spirit does work even today in the lives of believers, but it simply does not work in any way in the lives of those who disregard God's Spirit-Word.

WORD: "Imrah" (sometimes "promise"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154, 158,162,170,172.

Psa 119:134

THAT I MAY OBEY YOUR PRECEPTS: Here devotion to God's precepts is the grateful response to deliverance from evil men.

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

Psa 119:135

FACE (of God): In Psalms, always ref God's presence in ark/tabernacle/temple: see VL, Psalms, God's face.

MAKE YOUR FACE SHINE: This is the Day of Atonement blessing (Num 6:23-27). Here is God's gift of forgiveness leading on naturally to an eagerness to show a worthy response to His grace.

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26,33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

Psa 119:136

KJV has: "Rivers of water run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law" (cp Lam 3:48). Here "they" may mean (a) 'mine eyes', or (b) other people (cp v 158). The former expresses deep penitence for personal inadequacy. The latter laments the flouting of God's Law by worldly men, in like manner as Eze 9:4: "the men that sigh and cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof".

The tears of Jesus: Psa 6:6; 39:12; 42:3; 56:8; 69:10; 116:8; Joh 11:35,36; Heb 5:7; Luk 19:41; 22:41-44.

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51,53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:137

Quoted in Rev 16:7; 19:2.

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102,106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:138

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

FULLY TRUSTWORTHY: "Dependable", as related to God's promises. There are readily traceable, for example, in God's testimonies, the Ten Commandments (Exo 20:6,11,12).

Psa 119:139

MY ZEAL WEARS ME OUT: "My zeal hath consumed me" (Psa 69:9; John 2:17).

FOR MY ENEMIES IGNORE YOUR WORDS: These men have known God's instruction and have chosen to ignore it. The writer's indignation blazes esp against such, who -- having known the Truth of God -- turn away from it.

WORDS: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:140

PROMISES: "Imrah" (sometimes "word"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154, 158,162,170,172.

THOROUGHLY TESTED: Or refined: 12:6; 19:7,8; Pro 30:5.

AND YOUR SERVANT LOVES THEM: Though he may be faulty in performance, the psalmist is a connoisseur in his high appreciation of Scripture's fine moral tone (cp Mat 13:45,46).

Psa 119:141

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,56,63,69,78,87,93,94,100,104,110,128,134,141,159,168,173.

Psa 119:142

YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS IS EVERLASTING AND YOUR LAW IS TRUE: Even when God's ways are mysterious and difficult, there must be this conviction that there is never a flaw in His working. Contrast the glib modern complaint: 'If there is a God, why does he allow such calamities to happen?' See vv 143,144: 'Even though I partake of trouble and anguish, help me, O Lord, to understand Your righteousness and Your will! And if I cannot really understand, then give me faith to accept Your will nevertheless.'

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51,53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:143

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98,115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

Psa 119:144

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

Psa 119:145

How can a man keep God's statutes except there be this almost desperate eagerness (v 146)?

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

Psa 119:146

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

Psa 119:147

I RISE BEFORE DAWN: Bible study and prayer even before the sun rises.

WORD: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:148

MY EYES STAY OPEN THROUGH THE WATCHES OF THE NIGHT: Or, as AV: "Mine eyes prevent [meaning 'precede'] the night watches, that I might meditate in thy word." Bible reading again before night comes on, so that in the night there is something good to meditate on and talk about.

THE WATCHES OF THE NIGHT: The Hebrews divided the night into three "watches": generally speaking, the first, or beginning, watch (Lam 2:19) was from sunset to approx 10 pm; the second, or middle, watch (Jdg 7:19) from 10 pm to 2 am; and the third, or morning, watch (Exo 14:24; 1Sa 11:11) from 2 am to sunrise. See also Psa 63:6. (The later, Roman, method consisted of four watches: Mat 14:25; 24:43; Mar 6:48; 13:35; Luk 12:38.)

PROMISES: "Imrah" (sometimes "word"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154, 158,162,170,172.

Psa 119:149

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:150

THOSE WHO DEVISE WICKED SCHEMES: The siege of the Assyrians? Or faithless counselors?

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51,53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:151

YET YOU ARE NEAR, O LORD: This verse answers v 150 thus: 'God is more near than they, and the truth of His promises will soon be evident.' So the threat of v 150 is not ignored nor even minimized; but it is put in perspective by the greater fact.

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

Psa 119:152

LONG AGO I LEARNED: "I have known of old" (AV), ie, from a pondering of the Bible record of God's ways in times past.

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

Psa 119:153

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51,53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:154

REDEEM: "Gaal" impl the LORD is a near-kinsman. This word ga'al naturally points our minds to the man who, whilst a "near-kinsman" of God Himself, is also --how marvelous! -- our "near-kinsman" too!

PROMISE: "Imrah" (sometimes "word"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154, 158,162,170,172.

Psa 119:155

SALVATION IS FAR FROM THE WICKED, FOR THEY DO NOT SEEK OUT YOUR DECREES: Apparently implying that if a man is to find salvation he must seek God's statutes.

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

Psa 119:156

YOUR COMPASSION IS GREAT, O LORD: Psa 25:6; 40:11; 51:1; 69:16; 79:8; 103:4; 145:9; Luk 1:78; Jam 5:11.

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:157

MANY ARE THE FOES WHO PERSECUTE ME: "A righteous man may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all" (Psa 34:19).

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

Psa 119:158

The incapacitated Hezekiah is aware of his princes using the palace for their godless cabinet meetings, but is helpless (eg Isa 30:1-3; 31:1-3).

WORD: "Imrah" (sometimes "promise"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154, 158,162,170,172.

Psa 119:159

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

Psa 119:160

WORDS: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

ALL YOUR RIGHTEOUS LAWS ARE ETERNAL: "Man can make beautiful things: but his productions fail to satisfy as Nature satisfies: their beauty is petty, limited and superficial. Nature's beauty is thorough and inimitable, whether it be the structure of a flake of snow, the organisation of a plant or meanest insect under the microscope, or the stupendous revolutions of the starry firmament. Nature and the Bible both bear the impress of Divinity. There is one great plan, and on the basis of that plan, infinite diversity of beautiful detail. There is a unity in all parts of the Bible, and yet a certain diversity which maintains the interest of the persevering reader ever fresh and fair" (SC 69).

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:161

MY HEART TREMBLES AT YOUR WORD: The last phrase implies: 'I am in awe of God, not of them, my enemies.'

WORD: "abar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:162

PROMISE: "Imrah" (sometimes "word"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154, 158,162,170,172.

Psa 119:163

I HATE AND ABHOR FALSEHOOD: Hezekiah the honest and faithful encountered much treacherous dealing (Isa 30:1-7; 31:1-3; 33:1).

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51, 53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:164

SEVEN TIMES: Cp Daniel's 3 times (6:10). Also see 1Ti 5:5; Luk 2:37.

I PRAISE YOU: "Let us strive each new day to offer to God a perfect day: perfect in useful, godly activity, perfect in manifested character, perfect in thought and word, perfect in total remembrance and continuous consciousness of God, and of our glorious, joyful relationship to Him. We shall, of course, fail to some degree, but we shall have the happiness that we had tried. And there will still be other days to come: days to try harder, days to use the knowledge and wisdom we have learned from our previous efforts and failures. Each day is a fresh new beginning -- a fresh new adventure in climbing the hill of godliness: ever upward toward perfect communion, perfect peace, perfect oneness with Him who is perfect love and eternal perfection. This is the beauty and the glory of the godly life" (GVG).

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments" or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:165

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51, 53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

GREAT PEACE HAVE THEY WHO LOVE YOUR LAW: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (Joh 14:27). "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (Joh 16:33).

NOTHING CAN MAKE THEM STUMBLE: "Offend them" (KJV) should read 'cause them to stumble' (cp "the stone of stumbling": Isa 8:14,15; Psa 118:22). If a man's faith is true, it supports him through all circumstances of strain or distress. Yet how often it happens that when times are rough, the first casualty is the steady observance of religious duties: perhaps mid-week classes are let go, and then some Sundays slide by without the Lord being remembered in the appointed manner. This is not a collapse of faith, but a revealing of non-faith: "He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him" (1Jo 2:10).

"Be big enough never to be offended. It is the petty mind that takes offense. Be big enough to make allowances, to understand, to sympathize. If we are 'touchy', we have no solid, reserve power for good: things are fine, and we can do wonders, as long as our back is scratched, but we haven't the maturity and stamina to face reality" (GVG).

Psa 119:166

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

Psa 119:167

I OBEY YOUR STATUTES, FOR I LOVE THEM GREATLY: Here, is (a) the cause of (b)? Or is (b) the cause of (a)? Surely both! If we keep, then we love. And if we love, then we keep. And each action, the loving and the keeping, enhances the other in a continuous cyclical effect. The more we love, the more we keep! And the more we keep, the more we love!

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

Psa 119:168

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,56,63,69,78,87,93,94,100,104,110,128,134,141,159,168,173.

STATUTES: "Eduth": "testimonies" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 2,14,22,24,31,36,46,59,79,88,95,99,111,119,125,129, 138,144,146,152,157,167,168.

FOR ALL MY WAYS ARE KNOWN TO YOU: It is when a man has this consciousness of living all his life in the presence of God, that the keeping of precepts and testimonies becomes possible, and even relatively easy.

Psa 119:169

WORD: "Dabar": 25 times in Psa 119: vv 9,16,17,25,28,42,42 again (see AV mg), 43,49,57,65,74,81,89,101,105,107,114,
122 (textual emendation),130,139,147,160,161,169.

Psa 119:170

MAY MY SUPPLICATION COME BEFORE YOU: God has promised to deliver. Then why the need for intense supplication? Importunity is not to be curtailed, no matter what (Luk 18:2-8). We must always think of God as under no obligation to hear us, or to act on our behalf. Whether He does, and how, is entirely within His good pleasure.

PROMISE: "Imrah" (sometimes "word"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154, 158,162,170,172.

Psa 119:171

OVERFLOW: Like water gushing forth from a spring; links with Heb for "prophet". Here is intense thanksgiving for a sudden enlightenment. In such rare experiences the delight of discovery (or rather, of revelation) moves instinctively into praise.

DECREES: "Huqqim": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 5,8,12,16,23,26, 33,48,54,64,68,71,80,83,112,117,118,124,135,145,155,171.

Psa 119:172

MAY MY TONGUE SING OF YOUR WORD: Joy in God's Word should just as instinctively express itself in good conversation about that Word -- to those who do not know it, and to those who do!

WORD: "Imrah" (sometimes "promise"): 19 times in Psa 119: vv 11,38,41,50,58,67,76,82,103,116,123,133,140,148,154, 158,162,170,172.

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.

Psa 119:173

PRECEPTS: "Piqqudim": 21 times in Psa 119: vv 4,15,27,40,45,

Psa 119:174

I LONG FOR YOUR SALVATION, O LORD: God's law is not the true end (as the rabbis have made it). The true end is salvation.

LAW: "Torah": 22 times in Psa 119: vv 1,18,29,34,44,51,53,55,61,70,72,77,85,92,97,109,113,126,136,142,150,153, 163,165,174.

Psa 119:175

LET ME LIVE THAT I MAY PRAISE YOU: A sick Hezekiah looks beyond the expected recovery to the dedicated life in the fifteen years ahead.

LAWS: "Mishpatim": "judgments", or "ordinances" in AV: 23 times in Psa 119: vv 7,13,20,30,39,43,52,62,75,84,91,102, 106,108,120,121,132 (textual emendation), 137,149,156,160,164,175.

Psa 119:176

I HAVE STRAYED LIKE A LOST SHEEP. SEEK YOUR SERVANT, FOR I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOUR COMMANDS: What a remarkable end to this unique psalm! This admission of serious failure comes after scores and scores of protestations of keeping God's commandments! And so the possibility of abject failure is always there, even for the most solid and experienced of saints. But so also is the possibility (nay, the certainty!) of restoration and renewal for those who, even in their sins, do not forget God.

LIKE A LOST SHEEP: Members of God's flock know when they are lost. There is no total forgetting of God and His Truth. The Good Shepherd is looking for them, even as they are looking for him. He will carry them on his shoulders, and bring them back into his fold with rejoicing.

COMMANDS: "Mishvoth": "commandments" in AV: 22 times in Psa 119: vv 6,10,19,21,32,35,47,48,60,66,73,86,96,98, 115,127,131,143,151,166,172,176.
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