The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Psalm 116

Psa 116:1

See Lesson, Psalms, "Hallelujah".

SETTING: Hezekiah's life: his sufferings (vv 3,10), prayer for restoration (vv 1,4), recovery (vv 6,8,15), his gratitude to God (vv 9,12,13,16,17), and his enthusiasm for the praise of God (vv 2,14,18,19).

Psa 116:3

"The sorrows of death compassed me" (Psa 18:4,5). The language of sacrifice: the sacrifice being bound to the altar (Psa 118:27; cp Gen 22:9; Mat 26:38).

THE ANGUISH OF THE GRAVE: Cp Act 2:24: "The pains (birth-pangs) of death".

Psa 116:4

Gethsemane: "Let this cup pass from me" (Mat 26:39; Mar 14:35,36; Luk 22:42).

Psa 116:7

BE AT REST: Language used of the Ark of God's covenant: Num 10:35,36; Psa 132:8,14).

Psa 116:8

MY EYES FROM TEARS: (NT) The "strong crying and tears" (Heb 5:7; Luk 22:41-44).

Psa 116:10

"We also believe, and therefore speak the message of the gospel" (2Co 4:13). Because we believe, therefore we speak!

Psa 116:11

The deceit in the time of Hezekiah: that of the Assyrians, "treacherous dealers" (Isa 21:2; 24:16; 33:1). Also, that of the princes of Judah, who forgot their faith in God and trusted instead in the Egyptians.

Quoted by Paul in Rom 3:4: "Every man a liar"; both Jews and Gentiles all under sin.

DISMAY: "Haste" in AV: sw Exo 12:11 (Passover): related to Jesus at the Last Supper?

Psa 116:12

Vv 12,13: Arguing back from the Hezekiah prototype, the benefits spoken of here are the Lord's resurrection and divine glory; and "the cup of salvation (the cup of "Jesus"!) -- also one of the traditional cups of wine at the Passover -- will be the fulfillment of Mat 26:28,29,39.

In v 13, "salvation" is in fact plural (yeshuoth), possibly another intensive plural: ie, "the cup of the great, or absolute, salvation"!

Psa 116:15

THE DEATH OF HIS SAINTS: The death is that of Jesus. But in him there is also the representative deaths of all the faithful (Rom 6:3,8; 14:8; 1Co 15:29; 2Co 5:14; 6:9; Gal 2:20; 6:14).

"Death is not sad if the life has been wholly lived in and unto God. It is but brief rest from faithful labor, sweet sleep oblivious of all sorrow and care, awaiting joyful and eternal reunion with the choicest, loveliest, most beautiful characters of all ages: the very pick of the human race. How pleasant is good company! Let us so endeavor to live each moment wholly within God and His Truth and His Purpose and His Love, that we may -- with humble, trusting confidence -- at last close our eyes to this life in perfect peace: total, thankful joy -- without fear, without regret" (GVG).

Psa 116:16

THE SON OF YOUR MAIDSERVANT: Cp Psa 86:16. One of the OT anticipations of the Virgin Birth (cp Gen 3:15; 49:1,25; Psa 22:9; 71:6; 89:26,27; 110:3; Isa 7:14; 49:1; Jer 31:22; Mic 5:1,2; 2Sa 7:14).

FREED ME FROM MY CHAINS: First tied to altar (v 3), then freed!

Psa 116:17

A THANK OFFERING: "The two words that should always be on the tip of our mind's tongue are 'Thank God.' Not just 'God,' but 'Thank God.' This is the atmosphere and environment in which our inner heart must constantly dwell. It is wholesome, holy, beautiful, and serene. But cannot Love exist without prior benefit? Is it not purer so? Must Love be built merely on thankfulness for something received? Well, are we speaking of theory, or reality? And are we speaking of the primary Root, or of the subsequent Flower? 'We love because He first loved us,' John says. Could we do it, if He hadn't? No. We are mere flesh. We would not have either the knowledge or the power ourselves. Let us get a true picture of the flesh: not the proud human fantasy of it. God had to show us, and motivate us. Our thanks are for the power and enlightenment of His Love -- the essential root of all we can ever be. Once He has set in motion this glorious process, once He has lit the Lamp and kindled the fire, then Love indeed can go forth and initiate goodness without prior benefit, because its living roots always reach back to this, and to Him" (GVG).

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