DO NOT GO INTO HIS HOUSE...: Insolent intrusion: a very
humiliating thing (LB 322).
Deu 24:19
"What a delightful peek at the right way of life is prescribed
by God's beautiful law. Here are no 'thrifty' scrapings to the last straw, but
an open-handed liberality that leaves handfuls for the poor. No one could starve
under such a system: no one sink to the despairing depths we see yawning around
us in modern times. Of course it cannot be -- now. But it ought to be, and it
will be, when we have God's Kingdom back among us, to 'judge for the poor and
the needy, and break in pieces the oppressors.' We wait God's hand in the
matter; and He says, 'They shall not be ashamed that wait for me' "
"Boaz ordered handfuls of corn to be left on purpose for Ruth
[Rth 2:16], and God blessed him. All that is left is not lost"