Christ, the true priest, in offering... himself... as the true
sacrifice, asserted: "The Lord is my portion, or inheritance" (Psa
Deu 18:2
"The son of man has nowhere to lay his head" (Mat 8:20; Luk
Deu 18:10
...IN THE FIRE: Do we sacrifice our children to the
gods of this world? (2Co 4:3,4). "Suffer the little children to come to me" (Mat
DIVINATION: General term: anyone who prophesies or
utters visions.
SORCERY: AV has "observer of times": one who watches
clouds, looking for lucky and/or unlucky days.
INTERPRETS OMENS: Predicting from flights of birds or
actions of snakes.
WITCHCRAFT: Lit "to uncover or reveal":
Deu 18:11
CASTS SPELLS: Invocations, incantations.
MEDIUM: Spiritist, ventriloquist.
SPIRITIST: Men of cunning, with profound insights into
Deu 18:15
A PROPHET LIKE ME: Samuel was the first "prophet like
Moses" (cpd to Moses in Jer 15:1; Psa 99:6). Peter regarded Samuel as the first
of the prophets (Act 3:22-24).
Deu 18:22
The test of a true prophet: In the LD, many will confess:
"Surely our fathers have inherited lies" (Jer 16:19).