PROCLAIMED: It was the LORD's time because it was "appointed and commanded
by him, and was for his honour and glory, as a God gracious and merciful to the
poor, and beneficent to those creditors; and which was proclaimed in his name,
by the civil magistrate, according to his order... Now this was typical of a
release of debts, or of forgiveness of sins, which is an act of God's grace
through Christ, and for his sake. Sins are called debts [because] men are
debtors to fulfil the law, and in case of failure, or a breach of it, are bound
to the debt of punishment; and these debts are very numerous, and men are
incapable of paying them: and by a release of these is meant not a liberty of
sinning, nor a freedom from the being or bondage of sin, but from the guilt of
it, and from obligation to punishment for it; and is properly the forgiveness of
sin, which is expressed by various phrases, as a non-imputation, a
non-remembrance, a covering, blotting out, and removing of sin, and here
typically a release of debts (see Mat 6:12), and God only can make it; he is the
creditor, sin is committed against him, and he only can forgive it, which he
does freely, fully, and at once (see Luk 7:41,42)" (Gill).
Deu 15:7
DO NOT BE HARDHEARTED: Hard-heartedness is first seen
in Pharaoh (Exo 4:21; 7:3,13; 8:15,32; 9:12,34; 10:1,20,27; 11:10; 14:4,8). So
when this description is used of anyone in Israel, it is very pointed: 'You are
being like the oppressing Egyptians from whom I have delivered you!' Cp Deu
15:7; 2Ch 36:13; Psa 95:8; Isa 63:17; Mark 10:5; 16:14; John 12:40; Rom
Deu 15:16
Vv 16,17: Lesson: As in 1Co 7, there are here two options,
either of which may be acceptable.