The Agora
Bible Commentary

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Proverbs 24

Pro 24:3

HOUSE: Ecclesia (1Pe 2:5), city of Rev 21; Eph 2:20-22.

Pro 24:12

See Lesson, Double negative, Hebrew.

Pro 24:16

Notice: the "righteous man" falls many times; and -- apparently -- the "wicked man" falls only once. BUT... the righteous man keeps getting up!

"In order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what not to do the next time" (Anthony J. D'Angelo).

Pro 24:23

See Deu 1:17. Cp Job's experiences: trials and persecutions may be punishment for wicked, OR chastening for righteous (1Pe 1:7; 1Co 11:32; Heb 12:6).

Pro 24:26

See Lesson, Honesty (GG).

Pro 24:27

Count the cost: Luk 14:28; Mat 7:24-27. Determine to finish what is started; do not serve two masters: Mat 6:24.

Pro 24:30

Judgment parables: vineyard (Mat 20:1-16), talents (Mat 25:14-28), virgins (Mat 25:1-12).

Pro 24:31

WEEDS: Tares in Mat 23:24-30.

Pro 24:33

Vv 33,34: "The worst of sluggards only ask for a little slumber; they would be indignant if they were accused of thorough idleness. A little folding of the hands to sleep is all they crave, and they have a crowd of reasons to show that this indulgence is a very proper one. Yet by these littles the day ebbs out, and the time for labour is all gone, and the field is grown over with thorns.

"It is by little procrastinations that men ruin their souls. They have no intention to delay for years -- a few months will bring the more convenient season -- tomorrow if you will, they will attend to serious things; but the present hour is so occupied and altogether so unsuitable, that they beg to be excused. Like sands from an hour-glass, time passes, life is wasted by driblets, and seasons of grace lost by little slumbers.

"Oh, to be wise, to catch the flying hour, to use the moments on the wing! May the Lord teach us this sacred wisdom, for otherwise a poverty of the worst sort awaits us, eternal poverty. Like a traveller steadily pursuing his journey, poverty overtakes the slothful, and ruin overthrows the undecided: each hour brings the dreaded pursuer nearer; he pauses not by the way, for he is on his master's business and must not tarry. As an armed man enters with authority and power, so shall want come to the idle, and death to the impenitent, and there will be no escape. O that men were wise betimes, and would seek diligently unto the Lord Jesus, or ere the solemn day shall dawn when it will be too late to plough and to sow, too late to repent and believe. In harvest, it is vain to lament that the seed time was neglected" (CHS).

"Here the literal meaning is obvious enough and there is no difficulty in applying the description just as it stands. The main danger of wrong application would be from those who have had little experience of gardens. They might judge a man as slothful when he had only been away for a short holiday or a few days of illness. The garden, however, is only an illustration, and there are lessons in this rapid growth of weeds. Wherever the surface of the soil presents itself seeds will fall and weeds will grow. Wherever there is unoccupied surface of mind, impressions will be made and thoughts will develop. Wrong thoughts seem as hardy as weeds while right thoughts are like rare and tender plants. Just as weeds, unless they are eradicated in the early stages will quickly run to seed and increase the evil, so it is with wrong thoughts in the mind" (PrPr).

Pro 24:34

LIKE A BANDIT: Moving swiftly: cp Pro 6:11; Psa 104:3.

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