The sins of Balaamites: sex, money, power! This was the
"counsel of Balaam" (Num 31:16). The friendship of the world is the most
dangerous aspect of the battle.
Num 25:2
Cp 1Co 10:27: If any unbeliever invite you...
THE SACRIFICES OF THEIR GODS: Called "sacrifices of the
dead" (Psa 106:28), implying "immortality of the soul".
Num 25:3
IN BROAD DAYLIGHT: Lit, "before the sun". The worship
of Baal-peor was a form of sun-idolatry!
Num 25:6
BROUGHT TO HIS FAMILY: Prob a form of royal marriage:
cp vv 14,15.
WEEPING: Weeping, but not acting...
Num 25:8
TENT: Heb "qubba", a rare term. An alcove, or a vaulted
tent, with arch, a brothel.
Num 25:9
24,000 = poss 23,000 Jews (1Co 10:8), and 1,000 Moabitesses.
Or 23,000 in ONE day (1Co 10:8), and 24,000 overall. Because Eli failed to
discipline his sons for the same sins (1Sa 2:22; 3:13), his priesthood was taken
Num 25:13
MADE ATONEMENT: The slaying of the wicked may be an
atonement to God. We must slay our "firstborn", the man of sin within