Num 34: "This section describes the borders of the land of
Canaan which Yahweh is about to make available to the Israelites for their
possession. However, the area defined was never fully occupied by Israel, simply
because the tribes never fulfilled the conditions imposed. The Book of Joshua
records that, though Joshua's victories made it possible for each of the tribes
to obtain its inheritance, they lacked the faith and courage to completely do
it. After his death, the people compromised with the remaining Canaanites, and
so ruined their opportunity of inheriting the land promised...
"The chapter is divided into six sections: (1) South border
(vv 1-5); (2) West border (v 6); (3) North border (vv 7-9); (4) East border (vv
10-13); (5) Transjordan area (vv 14,15); (6) the leaders appointed to divide the
land by lot (vv 16-29)" (Expos).