1 2 3 |
2 Thessalonians 2 |
Genesis 3 |
Deceives believers (v 3); lying (v 9); deceit (v 10); strong
delusion (v 11). |
"The serpent beguiled me" (v 13). |
The son of perdition -- or destruction (v 3). |
"Thou art cursed" (v 14). |
Opposes God (v 4). |
"Hath God said...?" (v 1). |
Exalts himself above God (v 4), as a "Satan" -- or adversary
(v 9). |
"For God doth know..." (v 5). |
Sits in the Temple of God (v 4). |
Antitype of serpent, sitting in Eden -- the place of God's
sanctuary (v 24). |
Manifested "in them that perish" (v 10) because... |
"Unto dust shalt thou return" (v 19). |
"...they received not the love of the Truth": (v
10). |
Adam and Eve, given a command, disobeyed it. |
"A lie" -- or "the lie" (v 11). |
The foundation lie of all apostasy: "Ye shall not surely die"
(v 3). |
2Th 1:
The Son of God
2Th 2:
The Man of Sin
Revealed from heaven (1:7). |
Revealed in apostasy. |
In the glory of his might (1:9). |
In power (2:9) and wicked deception (2:9). |
With the mighty angels (1:7). |
With the activity of "Satan" (2:9). |
In flaming fire (1:7). |
Pretended signs and wonders (2:9); pleasure in unrighteousness
(2:12). |
Inflicting vengeance upon those who (a) do not know God, (b)
do not obey the gospel, and (c) refuse to love the truth (1:8). |
Opposes, exalts self (2:4); pretends to be a god, "taking his
seat in the temple of God" (2:4). |
To be glorified in his saints and to be admired in all them
that believe (1:10). |
To be slain by Christ's appearing and coming with the "breath
of his mouth" (2:8). |