Zechariah 5
2 Thessalonians 2
"This is their iniquity in all the land" (v 6, RV
"The mystery of iniquity doth already work" (v 7)... "with all
deceivableness of unrighteousness" (v 10).
"A woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah (v
"Sitteth in the temple of God" (v 4).
"He cast her down into the midst of the ephah: and he cast the
weight of lead upon the mouth thereof" (v 8, RV).
"That which restraineth" (v 6, RV)..."there is one that
restraineth now" (v 7, RV).
"This is Wickedness" (v 8, RV).
"Then shall that Wicked be revealed" (v 8).