The New Agora
Site Abbreviations
Who are the Christadelphians?
First Principles
Prophecy Studies
Daily Exhortations
Bible Companion
Bible Articles and Lessons
Bible Commentary
Bible Editorials
Bible Books
ChristadelphianBooks Online
Complete Book List
David Baird
George Booker
Rick O'Connor
Neville Smart
Don Styles
Harry Whittaker
Unity In Australia
Bible Articles and Lessons - Introduction
This section contains over 600 articles and lessons
(the two terms are interchangeable), arranged by title. These articles and
lessons include:
- introductions to individual books of the Bible,
- first principles summaries and outlines,
- individual exhortations,
- detailed expositions of particular passages,
- in-depth prophecy studies,
- brief biographical sketches of some Christadelphian writers, and
- word studies.
Occasionally one article or lesson will contain
cross-references to other articles or lessons.
Most of these articles and lessons are referenced from various
places in the Agora Bible Commentary -- so that this whole section serves as a
sort of supplement and appendix to the whole commentary itself.
All abbreviations are explained in the Abbreviations list,
at the head of this section.
For ease of reference, note two special Article/Lessons:
- The lesson entitled First Principles contains an
alphabetized list of all other articles/lessons that might be generally considered of
a first-principles nature.
- The lesson entitled Prophecy Studies lists in
alphabetical order all other articles/lessons that are primarily of a prophetic
God willing, new articles/lessons will be added to this
section from time to time.
Comments, questions, additional thoughts and expositions, and
even criticisms (!) are welcomed.
I would also appreciate having any wrong Bible references
called to my attention.
1,260 / 1,290 / 1,335 days
11 things you didn't learn in school
1Ch / 2Ch, overview
1Co, overview
1Jo, overview
1Ki / 2Ki, overview
1Pe, overview
1Sa / 2Sa, overview
1Th / 2Th, overview
21 suggestions for success
22 OT books?
2Co, overview
2Jo, overview
2Pe, overview
3 1/2 years
36 stress reducers
360-day year
3Jo, overview
70 years captivity
A little leaven (1Co 5)
Abba, Father
Abide, wait, tarry (Greek)
"Abomination" to the LORD
Abraham offers Isaac
Acceptable (Greek)
Acts, conversions
Acts, overview
Acts, statement of faith
Aim high
Alien marriage
All I really need to know....
Amazed, astonished (Greek)
Amos, overview
AN, Conditional deferment
Angels of evil?
Animal sacrifice in the Kingdom?
Anoint, blot out (Greek)
Apostles' creed
Apostolic statement of faith
Appeal to Unamended, Abrahamic Faith
Apple the "forbidden fruit"?, is the
Arab-Israeli war
Archaic pronouns
Arena of Bible history and prophecy
Arian controversy
Ask (Greek)
Assyria in prophecy
At the Judgment
Athanasian Creed
Atonement principles (10 points)
AV difficult words
Avenge, vengeance (Greek)
Babylon = Assyria
Babylon in prophecy
Babylon, Last Days revival
Baptism -- essential for salvation
Baptism, at a
Baptism, meaning of
Baptism, summary
Baptismal questions
Baptists, early
Based on one verse?
BASF, general weaknesses
Be reconciled
Be ye holy (1Pe 1:13-16)
Beasts, heads, and horns
Beatitudes and woes
Beginning a new year
Bible and racism
Bible facts
Bible formulated
Bible inspired
Bible readings, daily
Bible school prayer
Bible student at work, the
Bible study, continuing
Bible text, languages
Bible text, manuscripts (NT)
Bible text, manuscripts (OT)
Bible, English translations
Bible, King James Version
Bible, NIV
Bible, overview
Bible, selecting a
Big Bang
Blind men and elephant
Brethren of Christ do the will of Father
Breath of life
D source, problems
Daniel 2 image
Daniel, overview
Daniel, taking a stand for God
David and Goliath
Day-for-a-year principle?
Death of a princess... and a "saint"
Demons, what are?
Deu, overview
Devil and the body of Moses, the
Devil, Satan, and Demons
Devil, who is the?
Devil and Satan -- "You are the man"
Dew and the fleece, the
Did Jesus fellowship Judas?
Difficult Bible words
Dionysus (Eph 5/18)
Disciples, awe of Jesus
Disciples, slow comprehension
Distance and fellowship
Divorce and remarriage statement
Does God NEED anyone?
Double negative, Hebrew
Dress, makeup, jewelry
Eagle and its young, the
Early believers
Earth burned up?
Ecc, authorship
Ecc, overview
Ecclesia, the
Ecclesia in Genesis, the
Ecclesial Guide (GB)
Eden, Garden of
Elijah on Horeb (1Ki 19)
Enoch and the spirits in prison
Enoch, Book of
Enoch, fate of
Eph summary of faith
Eph, overview
Error in Corinth
Errors in Crete
Est, overview
Est, providence in
Eternal life now?
Euphrates, drying up
Every morning
Exo, summary
Ezekiel's temple not millennial
Ezekiel's temple, related to the return from Babylon
Ezekiel's temple: 12 tribes
Ezekiel's temple: altar
Ezekiel's temple: gate complex
Ezekiel's temple: holy, most holy
Ezekiel's temple: inner gates
Ezekiel's temple: outer court
Ezekiel's temple: priests' rooms
Ezekiel's temple: prince's land
Ezekiel, overview
Ezekiel-Revelation pattern
Ezra, overview
Jacob the wrestler
Jacob's ladder
Jacob's life, a type of Israel
Jdg, overview
Jephthah's daughter, fate of
Jephthah's vow (HAW)
Jer, overview
Jeremiah type of Christ
Jeremiah's family tree
Jeremiah/his life and times
Jerusalem, city of the great king
Jerusalem, history of
Jesus and the serpent
Jesus as "God"?
Jesus destroys the devil
Jesus' death on the cross, how does it save me?
Jesus, paradoxes
Jesus, perfect obedience or faith?
Jews, God's witnesses
Jews and Arabs are cousins
Job in brief
Job's satan
Job, exhortation (GVG)
Job, overview
Job, typical of Israel
Joel, overview
Joel, the problem of
John the Baptist, gospel of
John's figurative language
John, overview
John, timeline
Jonah, overview
Jonah, sign of
Jordan River
Joseph a righteous man
Joseph, suffering?
Josh, overview
Josh--Samuel, typical history
JT on Bible prophecy
JT on clergy
JT on common sense
JT on fellowship
JT rules for Bible study
Jude, background
Judgment or reconciliation?
Judgment principles
Judgment seat at Jerusalem
Judgment seat, location of
Judgment seat, unresolved problem
Julie and the baptismal card
Mal, overview
Man of sin
Man of sin = Beast of Revelation
Man of sin, first century
Man of sin, Zec 5
Mark of the beast
Mark of the lamb
Mark, overview
Marriage ceremony
Marriage "only in the Lord"
Mary at the Garden tomb
Mary, "three women"
Mat 18:15-17
Matthew and money
Matthew's genealogy
Matthew, overview
Mediatorship of Christ
Memorial meeting, importance
Memorial meeting, significance
Micah, overview
Military and police
Milk and honey
Minor prophets, and their messages
Mosaic authorship
Musical instruments
My Bible and I
"My soul thirsts for God" (Isa 55)
P source, problems
Pain in childbirth?
Papal and Muslim "legs"
Passover and Exodus themes in Isaiah
Passover "seder"
Pastoral letters, overview
Paul in prison
Paul the man
Paul's ecclesial letters
Pentateuch, Hebrew titles
People marry for four reasons...
Perfect ecclesia, the
Persia, royal cities of
Peter and Judas
Peter's use of Psa 34
Peter: The look
Phi, overview
Philistia in prophecy
Phm and slavery
Phm, overview
Plague, pestilence, and disease in the Last Days
Plowing and looking back
Politics and voting
Post-exile period, dates
Poverty, peculiar blessings of
Prayer for children
Prayer for unity (Joh 17)
Preaching mission
Preaching the gospel
Pride in Proverbs
Promises of God, the
Prophecy: more than one fulfillment
Prophet, the
Prov and God
Prov and money
Prov and speech
Prov and strife
Prov and temper
Prov and the heart
Prov and work
Prov, Christ's death in the
Prov, overview
Prov, parents and children
Prov, wise and fool in
Psa 133, exhortation
Psa 22, overview
Psalm structure
Psalms and Pentateuch
Psalms of the Sanctuary
Psalms, "Hallelujah"
Psalms, "Maschil"
Psalms, "Messianic" sin?
Psalms, formation of the book of
Psalms, God's face
Rahab (Egypt)
Rainbow, the lesson of the
Reading the Bible
Reconciliation basics
Reconciliation principles
Redemption, pictures of
"Rejoice in tribulations"
Responsibility principles
Resurrectional responsibility
Resurrectional responsibility proofs
Rev 17 woman
Rev in the first century, interpreting
Rev, 7 letters of
Rev, a framework for understanding the
Rev, certain, probable, and possible
Rev, date of
Rev, OT mosaic
Rev, outline
Rev, relevance to AD 70
Rev, sevens and seven sevens
Rev, theme verse
Rev, understanding
Rev, you can do it!
Rich family in church, the
Rich man and Lazarus
Rich man and Lazarus, paraphrase
"Righteousness and peace kiss each other"
Roberts on fellowship
Roberts, Robert
Rom, outline by chapter
Rom, overview
Roman trial of Jesus
Rth, overview
Russia in the Bible?
Sacrifice of Christ
Samuel, and Jesus in temple
Sardis ecclesia (Rev 3:1-5)
Satan, who is?
Saved by what?
"Saved in childbearing"
Sayings from the cross
Sayings of faith in Pastorals
Scarlet letter, the
"Seed" in RSV
Sennacherib, destruction
Septuagint, how useful? (HAW)
Sermons we see
Seven helps for overcoming temptation
Seventy "sevens"
Sex, the gospel and
Shema, the
Shepherds and hirelings
Simon of Cyrene
Sin, how was Christ made?
Sisters, the role of
Solomon, typical of Christ
Song of songs, erotic element
Song of songs, introduction and background
Song of songs, NT theme
Song of songs, outlines
"Soul", Bible meaning of
Speak gently
Statement of faith (South Austin)
Study of prophecy, the
Suffering, the why of
Suggestions for success
Superscription on cross, the