Nazirite (poem)
What if our Lord returned tonight?
Would he find me still a Nazirite?
Have I maintained the vows I vowed?
Am I still his who set me free,
Who poured his lifeblood out for me?
Or do I belong to that milling crowd
Who recognize in name alone
The one who shares Jehovah's throne?
As the Nazirite left his hair to grow,
Have I endeavored to grow in strength?
Am I stronger now than a year ago
Through reading the word of God at length?
Have I conquered the inward man at all?
Or have I perhaps grown weak and small?
Have I put aside the worldly wine?
Am I drunken with pride or worldly conceit?
Am I falling into a sad decline?
Or do I still kneel at the Master's feet,
Seeking his counsel in daily prayer,
Finding my peace and wisdom there?
Have I left the company of the dead?
Do I find my company with those who spurn
The Lamb of God, the Heavenly bread,
Whose only thought is the bread they earn?
Am I bound in thought to those faithful few
Who are holding fast to the pure and true?
Suppose I now were brought face to face
With Jesus Christ, would I feel disgrace?
What if our Lord returned tonight?
Would he find me still a Nazirite?
(BAWO, Dawn May 1956)