Walker, CC
Charles Curwen Walker was born on February 18, 1856, in
Norfolk, England, the son of a landed proprietor, having family associations
with Cumberland and Shropshire. As a boy of 13 he accompanied his father by
sailing ship to Australia, where as a young man he worked as a surveyor in the
gold fields.
He visited England in 1880-81 in connection with the sale of
some property, and met two young lady relatives, the Misses Ellen and Edith
Sutcliffe. They were at the time enquiring into the Christadelphian belief and
were shortly afterwards baptized at Keighley. CC Walker was present when they
were received into fellowship. Edith Sutcliffe later became his wife.
On the return voyage to Australia he read "Christendom
Astray", and characteristically checked every passage of the Bible quoted. Such
a thorough examination of the subjects dealt with, leading to a careful reading
of the Scriptures, could have but one result. While on the voyage he wrote a
declaration, which is a revelation of the sincerity of the man. The paper was
found after his death; in it he said:
"I hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that if it shall please God to bring me
to Melbourne and to allow me to be baptized into the name of Jesus Christ, I
will thereafter devote myself entirely and exclusively to His service.
The" vow was kept, first by his baptism on September 10th,
1881, and then by the continued service to the Truth he had espoused until his
In 1887 he returned to England, accompanied by his wife Edith;
and having a private income he intended to give his life to the service of the
Truth in whatever capacity he could. He contributed articles to The
Christadelphian, undertaking a monthly feature, "The Jews and Their Affairs";
and his association with Robert Roberts, the Editor, became increasingly close.
In 1889 there occurred a serious business reversal, which left CCW unable to
pursue wider interests, but riveted him firmly in the service of the
Christadelphians of Birmingham.
In 1898, on the death of Robert Roberts, CC Walker became
Editor of The Christadelphian Magazine and publisher of the works of John Thomas
and Robert Roberts, and this continued until he introduced changes in 1937, when
the transfer of the enterprise to a committee of brethren, which he had proposed
in 1934, took effect.
After being Editor for 39 years, he resigned from the duty in
August, 1937. He however remained closely associated with the work until his
death some three years later, on April 3rd, 1940.
C. C. Walker was a man of many gifts- -- widely travelled, of
considerable linguistic attainments, and of wide knowledge. But his greatest
gift was his power to use all other gifts as a steward of the grace of God. A
noble man, innately courteous, naturally dignified, he was nevertheless a humble
disciple of the Lord. As successor to two remarkable men (John Thomas and Robert
Roberts), he maintained with voice and pen the Truths of the gospel as believed
by Christadelphians. He was a man of strong conviction and strong
His published works include:
Ministry of the Prophets: Isaiah
The Word of God.