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David Baird
George Booker
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About 150 years ago, a boy of 14 (really a young man, as his
actions demonstrate) developed, independently, his own reading plan to cover the
whole of the Bible -- the Old Testament once, and the New Testament twice --
during the course of a year. That young man was Robert Roberts; he grew up to
become the first editor of The Christadelphian magazine. Later, as an
introduction to that reading plan, which came to be called "The Bible
Companion", he wrote the following:
"Salvation depends upon the assimilation of the mind to the divine ideas,
principles, and affections exhibited in the Scriptures. This process commences
with a belief of the gospel, but is by no means completed thereby; it takes a
lifetime for its scope, and untiring diligence for its accomplishment. The mind
is naturally alien from God and all His ideas (Rom 8:7; 1Co 2:14), and cannot be
brought at once to the Divine likeness. This is a work of slow development, and
can only be achieved by the industrious application of the individual to the
means which God has given for this purpose, viz, the expression of His mind in
the Scriptures of Truth; Spiritual-mindedness, or the state of mind in
accordance with the mind of the Spirit as displayed in these writings can only
grow within a man by daily intercourse with that mind, there unfolded."
The following "Daily exhortations" files are based upon the
three daily Bible readings, according to Robert Roberts' "Bible Companion".
There is one file for each of the three readings each month: a total of 36 main
files. Each file contains one exhortation based on each day's reading for that
month -- 28 to 31 individual exhortations.
Although the New Testament readings repeat during the last six
months of the year, the "daily exhortation" for that day is not repeated -- in
other words, during the last half of the year, there is a new exhortation for
each New Testament reading.
Some of the exhortations are extracts from the writings of
others, mostly (but not all) Christadelphians. Those that have no name attached
are by George Booker.
Daily Bible reading
The practice of reading the Bible from the chapters listed in
the "Bible Companion" has been a feature of the Christadelphian community for
many generations.
This practice is a good one to follow, and we should not be
put off by the fear of its becoming a habit. There are, after all, good
traditions to follow, as Paul often reminds his readers, and the daily reading
of the Scriptures is one of these. Whether the tables of readings are followed
or not, it is still true, as Robert Roberts said in his introduction to the
Companion, that "salvation depends upon the assimilation of the mind to the
divine ideas, principles, and affections exhibited in the Scriptures".
This is therefore a plea to all of us, both young and old, not
to neglect the reading of the Word of God, whatever system of reading we follow.
May it long continue to be the practice in our homes to read our chapters as a
natural part of each day, and when we meet in one another's homes, let us get
out our Bibles and "do the readings" together. There is no better way of
promoting a good discussion of things worth talking about, and of leading us
away from mere gossip and small talk.
Other Methods
The new believer has at hand several methods of daily Bible
reading. The one most widely used by Christadelphians is embodied in Robert
Roberts' "Bible Companion", as mentioned above. Also available are two other
Bible Reading Charts which also cover the Old Testament once and the New
Testament twice in the course of a single year. While the Bible Companion
accomplishes this by three rather short readings each day, from different parts
of the Bible, the other plans concentrate on only one (somewhat longer) portion
each day. This has the distinct advantage of continuity in reading. That is, an
entire letter or short prophecy, or an entire connected section of a longer
book, may be read straight through, without the artificial (and sometimes
confusing) division into one or two chapters per day.
Whatever plan is used, it is certainly true that systematic
daily Bible reading is essential if one is to discover -- and remember -- God's
revelation of Himself and His purpose. Bible believers neglect the daily
readings only with extreme peril to their spiritual lives.
" 'Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path'
(Psalm 119:105). Salvation depends primarily on replacing the 'carnal' mind by
the mind of the Spirit. The only method we have in these days of knowing the
mind of the Spirit is by the reading of the Word of God, which resulted from
holy men of God being moved -- irresistibly borne along -- by the Holy Spirit.
The reading of the Word of God is therefore an essential duty of the children of
God. 'In God's law doth he meditate day and night' is one of the characteristics
of the godly man as delineated by the Psalmist.
"It may be objected that such a close study of God's word is
impossible in these strenuous modern days. 'Really it is impossible for me to
find time to do the daily readings' is an expression not infrequently heard. Let
us be on our guard, however, against giving in so readily to the challenge of
modern 'strenuousness'. Can we truthfully say that we cannot afford the twenty
or thirty minutes required daily to carry out the reading of the Bible on the
lines suggested by the Bible Companion? We know we can 'find' time if we set
ourselves to 'make' time -- so to plan and arrange our daily routine that the
daily readings find a recognized place in the scheme of things. 'Where there's a
will there's a way': if we have not yet so planned our lives that some time is
apportioned for the daily reading of God's word, let us delay no longer. Rather
let us 'redeem the time', knowing that in a special sense in this modern world,
'the days are evil.'
"It is useful sometimes to reflect upon and to compare the
various activities which make up what we call 'our life', and ascertain the
relative proportion of time and interest we devote thereto. In this question of
reading, for example, how much time do we spend upon it; what form does it take;
what proportion of that time is spent on 'light' reading; on reading the
newspaper (often a great time-waster); how much time is devoted to the reading
of the Word of God and to the Truth's literature? Have we ever taken the trouble
so to 'examine ourselves'? It is worth doing, carefully and impartially, in
order to inform ourselves of the balance we are preserving between the things of
God and those related to the world. Probably the results will astonish us, and
perhaps even mortify us. But if this examination does bring to light our
deficiencies we can take courage for the future and determine with God's help to
readjust the balance and see to it that the things of God receive adequate
attention in the days which yet remain to us.
"It may be true, and doubtless is true with many of us, that
the reading and study of the Word of God and of the Truth's literature is not
inherently so attractive, so fascinating or so pleasant, as that provided in the
newspaper or in modern literature. Let us not be either discouraged, or
deceived, by this contrast. The reason is to be found first in the difference in
the sources of the two types of writing; and secondly in the natural bias of the
human mind towards the things of the flesh. This is not flattering to human
nature, of course; but the words of Paul (himself one of those holy men of God
who were impelled by the Holy Spirit) remind us that the 'carnal mind (ie, the
natural, unenlightened mind of man) is enmity against God; it is not subject to
the law of God, neither indeed can be'. Experience of life teaches us the truth
of this. 'To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life
and peace.'
"Such is the choice before us: the way of the flesh attractive, compelling,
easy, but ending finally in death; the way of the Spirit -- difficult for human
nature to understand, demanding perseverance, courage, tenacity, but resulting
in peace and finally life. Every day the choice may be made in the simple matter
of reading. Let us choose good and life"
Another Bible Reading Comment site
You may also want to visit Daily Bible Readings. This site
contains extensive comments on each day's readings, and allows you to contribute your own comments.
Date |
Reading 1 |
Reading 2 |
Reading 3 |
1 |
Gen 2:23 |
Psa 1 |
Mat 1:1 |
2 |
Gen 3:8,10 |
Psa 3; 4 |
Mat 3 |
3 |
Gen 5 |
Psa 7:14 |
Mat 5 |
4 |
Gen 8:9 |
Psa 9:1 |
Mat 6:9-13 |
5 |
Gen 9:13 |
Psa 11:3 |
Mat 7:1,2 |
6 |
Gen 11; 12 |
Psa 15 |
Mat 8:2 |
7 |
Gen 13:8 |
Psa 17:5 |
Mat 9:18-25 |
8 |
Gen 15:15 |
Psa 18:35 |
Mat 10:2 |
9 |
Gen 17; 18 |
Psa 21:13 |
Mat 11:11,12 |
10 |
Gen 19:26 |
Psa 22:1 |
Mat 12:36 |
11 |
Gen 21:9,10 |
Psa 23 |
Mat 13:3 |
12 |
Gen 22 |
Psa 27:5 |
Mat 14:23,24,29 |
13 |
Gen 24:63 |
Psa 30:5 |
Mat 15:22,23 |
14 |
Gen 25:11 |
Psa 31 |
Mat 16:24 |
15 |
Gen 27 |
Psa 32 |
Mat 17:20 |
16 |
Gen 28 |
Psa 33:4,6 |
Mat 18:15-17 |
17 |
Gen 30:29,30 |
Psa 34:7 |
Mat 19:22 |
18 |
Gen 31 |
Psa 35:9 |
Mat 20:16 |
19 |
Gen 32:30,31 |
Psa 36:8 |
Mat 21:21 |
20 |
Gen 35:18 |
Psa 37:20 |
Mat 22:37 |
21 |
Gen 36:1-3 |
Psa 38 |
Mat 23:23 |
22 |
Gen 37 |
Psa 40:8 |
Mat 24:7 |
23 |
Gen 38 |
Psa 42; 43 |
Mat 25:30,40 |
24 |
Gen 39 |
Psa 44:23 |
Mat 26:40 |
25 |
Gen 41 |
Psa 45:1 |
Mat 27:29 |
26 |
Gen 43:11 |
Psa 46--48 |
Mat 28 |
27 |
Gen 44; 45 |
Psa 49:20 |
Rom 1:20 |
28 |
Gen 47:8-10 |
Psa 50:8-15 |
Rom 3:9,10 |
29 |
Gen 50:26 |
Psa 51 |
Rom 6:17,18 |
30 |
Exo 1; 2 |
Psa 55:22 |
Rom 8:29 |
31 |
Exo 4:2-4 |
Psa 56:8 |
Rom 9:11 |
Date |
Reading 1 |
Reading 2 |
Reading 3 |
1 |
Exo 6:3 |
Psa 58 |
Rom 11:36 |
2 |
Exo 7; 8 |
Psa 60:4 |
Rom 12:2 |
3 |
Exo 9:16 |
Psa 62:9 |
Rom 14:10 |
4 |
Exo 10:16 |
Psa 65:7 |
Rom 15:27 |
5 |
Exo 12:13 |
Psa 66:12 |
Mark 1:1 |
6 |
Exo 13:18,19 |
Psa 68:10 |
Mark 2:17 |
7 |
Exo 15 |
Psa 69:9 |
Mark 3:13,14 |
8 |
Exo 16 |
Psa 71:9,18 |
Mark 4:37-41 |
9 |
Exo 17:12 |
Psa 72:10 |
Mark 5:13 |
10 |
Exo 20:3 |
Psa 73:25 |
Mark 6 |
11 |
Exo 21:5,6 |
Psa 74:16 |
Mark 7:21,22 |
12 |
Exo 22:1-9 |
Psa 76:10 |
Mark 8:34 |
13 |
Exo 23:19 |
Psa 77:19 |
Mark 9:37 |
14 |
Exo 25:40 |
Psa 78:49 |
Mark 10:23 |
15 |
Exo 26 |
Psa 80:1 |
Mark 11:13,14 |
16 |
Exo 27:1 |
Psa 81:16 |
Mark 12:16,17 |
17 |
Exo 28:1,2 |
Psa 84:2 |
Mark 13:1,2 |
18 |
Exo 29:20 |
Psa 85:10,11 |
Mark 14:36 |
19 |
Exo 30:1 |
Psa 87 |
Mark 15:12 |
20 |
Exo 31 |
Psa 89:27 |
1Co 1:10 |
21 |
Exo 34:20 |
Psa 90:1 |
1Co 3:10 |
22 |
Exo 35:20-22 |
Psa 93:5 |
1Co 4:7 |
23 |
Exo 36:1-5 |
Psa 95:3,4 |
1Co 6:19 |
24 |
Exo 37:1 |
Psa 96:8 |
1Co 7:12,13 |
25 |
Exo 38:8 |
Psa 100:2 |
1Co 8:1 |
26 |
Exo 39:43 |
Psa 102:15,16 |
1Co 10:13 |
27 |
Lev 1:1,2 |
Psa 103:14 |
1Co 11:26 |
28 |
Lev 3:2 |
Psa 104:15 |
1Co 12 |
Date |
Reading 1 |
Reading 2 |
Reading 3 |
1 |
Lev 6:13 |
Psa 105:8 |
1Co 14:20 |
2 |
Lev 7:26,27 |
Psa 106:13 |
1Co 15:10 |
3 |
Lev 8:12 |
Psa 107:8 |
1Co 16:1 |
4 |
Lev 10:1-3 |
Psa 109:6 |
2Co 1:1,2 |
5 |
Lev 11:7 |
Psa 110:6 |
2Co 4:17,18 |
6 |
Lev 13 |
Psa 113:7,8 |
2Co 5:20 |
7 |
Lev 14:45 |
Psa 115:5 |
2Co 8:1-5 |
8 |
Lev 15:2,7 |
Psa 118:22 |
2Co 10:12 |
9 |
Lev 16 |
Psa 119 |
2Co 12:10 |
10 |
Lev 17:11 |
Psa 119 |
Luk 1:20 |
11 |
Lev 19:18 |
Psa 119:83 |
Luk 2:1 |
12 |
Lev 20 |
Psa 119:165 |
Luk 3:1,2 |
13 |
Lev 21 |
122:6,7 |
Luk 4:8 |
14 |
Lev 22:20,21 |
Psa 126:5,6 |
Luk 5:12,13 |
15 |
Lev 23 |
Psa 128 |
Luk 6:12 |
16 |
Lev 24:4 |
Psa 131 |
Luk 7:14,15 |
17 |
Lev 25:23-27 |
Psa 136 |
Luk 8:21 |
18 |
Lev 26:41,42 |
Psa 139:13 |
Luk 9:23 |
19 |
Lev 27:30 |
Psa 141:4 |
Luk 10:19 |
20 |
Num 1:18,19 |
Psa 143:2 |
Luk 11:5-7 |
21 |
Num 2:1,2 |
Psa 145:18 |
Luk 12:15 |
22 |
Num 3 |
Psa 150 |
Luk 13:28,29 |
23 |
Num 4 |
Pro 1:20-22 |
Luk 15:20 |
24 |
Num 5:11-31 |
Pro 2:1-5 |
Luk 16:13,14 |
25 |
Num 6:4 |
Pro 3:13,17 |
Luk 17:3 |
26 |
Num 7 |
Pro 4:23 |
Luk 18:1 |
27 |
Num 9:15 |
Pro 5:15-18 |
Luk 19:20 |
28 |
Num 10:2 |
Pro 6:1-3 |
Luk 20:17 |
29 |
Num 11:10,11 |
Pro 7:2,3 |
Luk 21:8 |
30 |
Num 13:30,31 |
Pro 8:1 |
Luk 22:14,15 |
31 |
Num 13:31--14:4 |
Pro 10:22 |
Luk 23:11 |
Date |
Reading 1 |
Reading 2 |
Reading 3 |
1 |
Josh 18:3 |
Isa 24:23 |
Heb 6:8 |
2 |
Josh 19 |
Isa 25:7,8 |
Heb 9:16,17 |
3 |
Josh 20:2,3 |
Isa 26:20 |
Heb 10:25 |
4 |
Josh 22:29-33 |
Isa 28:24-29 |
Heb 11:6 |
5 |
Josh 24:14,15 |
Isa 29:20,21 |
Heb 12:11 |
6 |
Judges |
Isa 30:21 |
Heb 13:4 |
7 |
Jdg 2:12,13 |
Isa 31:5 |
James 1:27 |
8 |
Jdg 4:14 |
Isa 32:17 |
James 2:19 |
9 |
Jdg 6:19-21 |
Isa 33:15,16 |
James 3:17 |
10 |
Jdg 7:15-24 |
Isa 34:11-15 |
James 5:7 |
11 |
Jdg 9:7-21 |
Isa 35:6 |
1Pe 1:13-16 |
12 |
Jdg 11:30-40 |
Isa 36:16,17 |
1Pe 2:2 |
13 |
Jdg 13:24,25 |
Isa 37:36 |
1Pe 3:7 |
14 |
Jdg 14:14 |
Isa 38:12 |
2Pe 1:5-7 |
15 |
Jdg 16:1 |
Isa 39 |
2Pe 3:7 |
16 |
Jdg 17-21 |
Isa 40:3,4 |
1Jo 1:7 |
17 |
Jdg 19-21 |
Isa 41:10 |
1Jo 3:15 |
18 |
Jdg 20:10 |
Isa 42:3 |
1Jo 5:7 |
19 |
Jdg 21:1,2 |
Isa 43:10 |
3Jo |
20 |
Rth 2:1-3 |
Isa 44:6,7 |
Jud 1:13 |
21 |
Rth 3:11 |
Isa 45:1 |
Rev 1:3 |
22 |
1Sa 1 |
Isa 46:1 |
Rev 3:14 |
23 |
1Sa 2:26 |
Isa 48:22 |
Rev 5:6 |
24 |
1Sa 3 |
Isa 49:15,16 |
Rev 7:14 |
25 |
1Sa 4:3 |
Isa 50:5 |
Rev 10:10,11 |
26 |
1Sa 5:4 |
Isa 51:11 |
Rev 12:11 |
27 |
1Sa 7:12 |
Isa 52:13--53:12 |
Rev 14:19,20 |
28 |
1Sa 9:27 |
Isa 53 |
Rev 16:12 |
29 |
1Sa 10:21,22 |
Isa 54:9-11 |
Rev 17:1 |
30 |
1Sa 12:5 |
Isa 55:1 |
Rev 19:7,8 |
Date |
Reading 1 |
Reading 2 |
Reading 3 |
1 |
1Sa 13:13,14 |
Isa 56:3 |
Rev 21:8 |
2 |
1Sa 14 |
Isa 58:6,7 |
Mat 1:20 |
3 |
1Sa 15:32 |
Isa 59:17 |
Mat 4 |
4 |
1Sa 16:11 |
Isa 60:5 |
Mat 5 |
5 |
1Sa 17 |
Isa 61:10 |
Mat 6:5,6 |
6 |
1Sa 18:1-4 |
Isa 62:12 |
Mat 7:5,24 |
7 |
1Sa 19:16 |
Isa 63:4 |
Mat 8:14,15 |
8 |
1Sa 20 |
Isa 64:4 |
Mat 9:38 |
9 |
1Sa 22:2 |
Isa 65:16 |
Mat 10:42 |
10 |
1Sa 23 |
Isa 66:23 |
Mat 11:4-6 |
11 |
1Sa 24 |
Jer 1 |
Mat 12:50 |
12 |
1Sa 25 |
Jer 2 |
Mat 13:12 |
13 |
1Sa 26:19 |
Jer 3:25 |
Mat 14 |
14 |
1Sa 28 |
Jer 4:23-26 |
Mat 15:14 |
15 |
1Sa 29:1-4 |
Jer 5:6 |
Mat 16:24-26 |
16 |
1Sa 31:9,10 |
Jer 6:16 |
Mat 17:20 |
17 |
2Sa 1 |
Jer 7 |
Mat 18:10 |
18 |
2Sa 2:8-10 |
Jer 8:12 |
Mat 19:3-9 |
19 |
2Sa 3 |
Jer 9:23,24 |
Mat 20:16 |
20 |
2Sa 4:9 |
Jer 10 |
Mat 21:13 |
21 |
2Sa 6:17 |
Jer 11 |
Mat 22:11 |
22 |
2Sa 7:16 |
Jer 12:1-5 |
Mat 23:29-31 |
23 |
2Sa 9 |
Jer 13 |
Mat 24:48-51 |
24 |
2Sa 10 |
Jer 14 |
Mat 25:6 |
25 |
2Sa 11 |
Jer 15:1 |
Mat 26:45-48 |
26 |
2Sa 12:7 |
Jer 16 |
Mat 27:32 |
27 |
2Sa 13 |
Jer 17:9 |
Mat 28:19,20 |
28 |
2Sa 14 |
Jer 18:1-4 |
Rom outline |
29 |
2Sa 15:17-21 |
Jer 19:10,11 |
Rom 4:14-17 |
30 |
2Sa 16:5 |
Jer 20:18 |
Rom 5:2-4 |
31 |
2Sa 17 |
Jer 21:4,5 |
Rom 7:18,24,25 |
Date |
Reading 1 |
Reading 2 |
Reading 3 |
1 |
2Ki 6:1-7 |
Lam 2 |
1Co 15:42-50 |
2 |
2Ki 7:9 |
Lam 3:7 |
1Co 16:2 |
3 |
2Ki 8:1-6 |
Lam 4:1,2 |
2Co 2:17 |
4 |
2Ki 9:35,36 |
Lam 5:1-4 |
2Co 4:17,18 |
5 |
2Ki 10 |
Eze 1 |
2Co 7:1 |
6 |
2Ki 11:1-3 |
Eze 2:9,10 |
2Co 9:15 |
7 |
2Ki 13:14 |
Eze 3:19 |
2Co 11:29 |
8 |
2Ki 14 |
Eze 4 |
2Co 13:5 |
9 |
2Ki 15:32-38 |
Eze 5 |
Luk 1:38 |
10 |
2Ki 16:10-12 |
Eze 6:3-5 |
Luk 2:6,7 |
11 |
2Ki 17 |
Eze 7:23 |
Luk 3:19,20 |
12 |
2Ki 18:5 |
Eze 8:8-10 |
Luk 4:1-13 |
13 |
2Ki 19:14 |
Eze 9:4 |
Luk 5:27 |
14 |
2Ki 20 |
Eze 10 |
Luk 6:42 |
15 |
2Ki 21:13 |
Eze 11:23 |
Luk 7:3-6 |
16 |
2Ki 23:3 |
Eze 12:12,13 |
Luk 8:24,25 |
17 |
2Ki 25:8-10 |
Eze 13:10-16 |
Luk 9:62 |
18 |
1Ch 1 |
Eze 14:3 |
Luk 10:36 |
19 |
1Ch 2:7 |
Eze 15:2,3 |
Luk 11:47,48 |
20 |
1Ch 3:1-9 |
Eze 16:49 |
Luk 12:16-21 |
21 |
1Ch 4:9,10 |
Eze 17 |
Luk 14:33 |
22 |
1Ch 5:22 |
Eze 18:32 |
Luk 15 |
23 |
1Ch 6 |
Eze 19:1-4 |
Luk 16:19-31 |
24 |
1Ch 7:21 |
Eze 20:29 |
Luk 17:27 |
25 |
1Ch 8:34 |
Eze 21:25-27 |
Luk 18:11-14 |
26 |
1Ch 9:27 |
Eze 22 |
Luk 19:45 |
27 |
1Ch 10:13,14 |
Eze 23 |
Luk 20:46 |
28 |
1Ch 11:15-19 |
Eze 24:18,19 |
Luk 21:19 |
29 |
1Ch 12:16-18 |
Eze 25 |
Luk 22:59-61 |
30 |
1Ch 13:1-3 |
Eze 26:4 |
Luk 23:32,33 |
Date |
Reading 1 |
Reading 2 |
Reading 3 |
1 |
1Ch 15:20,21 |
Eze 27 |
Luk 24:45 |
2 |
1Ch 16:21,22 |
Eze 28 |
Gal 2:20 |
3 |
1Ch 17:16 |
Eze 29:3,4 |
Gal 3:13 |
4 |
1Ch 18:1-3 |
Eze 30:4,5 |
Gal 6:1 |
5 |
1Ch 21:25 |
Eze 31:3-9 |
Eph 2:8-10 |
6 |
1Ch 22:8 |
Eze 32:15 |
Eph 4:14,15 |
7 |
1Ch 23:24 |
Eze 33:2-4 |
Eph 6:11-17 |
8 |
1Ch 25:1 |
Eze 34:7-10 |
Phi 2:12,13 |
9 |
1Ch 26 |
Eze 35 |
Phi 4:7 |
10 |
1Ch 27 |
Eze 36:11 |
John 1:47 |
11 |
1Ch 28 |
Eze 37 |
John 3:16 |
12 |
1Ch 29:9 |
Eze 38; 39 |
John 4:35 |
13 |
2Ch 2:11 |
Eze 39 |
John 5:39 |
14 |
2Ch 3:1 |
Eze 40:4 |
John 6:63 |
15 |
2Ch 5:7,8 |
Eze 41:4 |
John 7:46 |
16 |
2Ch 7:5 |
Eze 42:13,14 |
John 8:6 |
17 |
2Ch 8 |
Eze 43:2,4 |
John 10:7 |
18 |
2Ch 9:30,31 |
Eze 44 |
John 11:39,41 |
19 |
2Ch 11:16 |
Eze 45 |
John 12:10 |
20 |
2Ch 12 |
Eze 46:9 |
John 14:6 |
21 |
2Ch 15:2 |
Eze 47:1,8 |
John 16:22,23 |
22 |
2Ch 16:7 |
Eze 48:35 |
John 18:11 |
23 |
2Ch 18; 19 |
Dan 1:11,12 |
John 19:8,9 |
24 |
2Ch 20:20-22 |
Dan 2 |
John 20:17 |
25 |
2Ch 22 |
Dan 3 |
Acts 1:9-12 |
26 |
2Ch 23 |
Dan 4 |
Acts 2:38,39 |
27 |
2Ch 24 |
Dan 5 |
Acts 4:23,24 |
28 |
2Ch 25:6-9 |
Dan 6:7,10 |
Acts 5:41 |
29 |
2Ch 26 |
Dan 7 |
Acts 7:60 |
30 |
2Ch 28:19-21 |
Dan 8 |
Acts 8:1,4 |
31 |
2Ch 29:3 |
Dan 9:2,3 |
Acts 9:23-25 |
Date |
Reading 1 |
Reading 2 |
Reading 3 |
1 |
2Ch 30 |
Dan 10:13 |
Acts 10:34 |
2 |
2Ch 31:21 |
Dan 11:31 |
Acts 11:23 |
3 |
2Ch 32:2-4 |
Dan 12:4 |
Acts 13:6-11 |
4 |
2Ch 33 |
Hosea |
Acts 15:39 |
5 |
2Ch 34:19,33 |
Hos 2:13 |
Acts 16:25 |
6 |
2Ch 35:24,25 |
Hos 3:1 |
Acts 19:19 |
7 |
2Ch 36 |
Hos 4:8 |
Acts 20:28 |
8 |
Ezr 1:1 |
Hos 5:15 |
Acts 22:16 |
9 |
Ezr 4:24 |
Hos 6:6 |
Acts 24:25 |
10 |
Ezr 5; 6 |
Hos 7:8 |
Acts 26:14 |
11 |
Ezr 7:27,28 |
Hos 8:7 |
Acts 27:39 |
12 |
Ezr 8:22 |
Hos 9:11,16 |
Acts 28:30,31 |
13 |
Ezr 9:5-7 |
Hos 10:12 |
Col 1:13,14 |
14 |
Ezr 10:1 |
Hos 11:1 |
Col 2:19 |
15 |
Neh 2:18 |
Hos 12:3,4 |
Col 4:5 |
16 |
Neh 3 |
Hos 13:14 |
1Th 2:7,8 |
17 |
Neh 4:9 |
Hos 14 |
1Th 4:9 |
18 |
Neh 5:14,17 |
Joel 1:3 |
1Th 5:5 |
19 |
Neh 7 |
Joel 2:12-14 |
2Th 1:3 |
20 |
Neh 8:10 |
Joel, overview |
2Th 3:6 |
21 |
Neh 9:8 |
Amos, overview |
1Ti 1:3 |
22 |
Neh 10 |
Amos, "for 3 sins and 4" |
1Ti 5:25 |
23 |
Neh 11:1,2 |
Amos 3:3 |
1Ti 6:7 |
24 |
Neh 12:27-43 |
Amos 4:1-3 |
2Ti 1:2 |
25 |
Neh 13 |
Amos 5:8 |
2Ti 2:16-19 |
26 |
Est 1 |
Amos 6:4-6 |
2Ti 4:13 |
27 |
Est 2:7-9 |
Amos 7:14,15 |
Tit 1:12 |
28 |
Est 4:12-14 |
Amos 8:11-13 |
Phm 1:4 |
29 |
Est 5:14 |
Amos 9 |
Heb 1:10-12 |
30 |
Est 8:5,8 |
Obad |
Heb 3:5 |