The Agora
Daily Bible Reading Exhortations

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October 10

Other comments on this day's readings can be found here.

Reading 1 - 1Ch 27

David also organized his army (vv 1-15), Israel's tribal leaders (vv 16-24), his administrators (vv 25-31), and his counselors and advisers (vv 32-34). He did all this to insure the future stability of the kingdom, so that God's promises could be fulfilled without unnecessary opposition or confusion. The writer mentions 12 tribes, but in this list these include Levi and the two halves of Manasseh. He omits Gad and Asher in this tally (vv 16-24; cf 1Ch 7).

1Ch 22--27 records David's preparation for the fulfillment of those covenant promises made to him -- which would be fulfilled in part after he had passed off the scene. His preoccupation with God's promises and his preparations for their fulfillment served as a good example for Chronicles' original readers. David's zeal for the house of Yahweh reflected his zeal for the reputation of his God. He truly put God's glory before his own personal ambitions.

Reading 2 - Eze 36:11

"I will increase the number of men and animals upon you [the mountains, and the land, of Israel], and they will be fruitful and become numerous. I will settle people on you AS IN THE PAST and will make you prosper more than before. Then you will know that I am the LORD" (Eze 36:11).

Israel is to be restored "as in the days of old", or "as it used to be" (Amo 9:11) -- so that the golden era of David and Solomon will be typical of the restored glory of God's Kingdom. The past (the history of David and Solomon) and future (God's coming Kingdom) are thus compared:

Reading 3 - John 1:47

" When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, 'Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false' " (John 1:47).

"The day came when one of these apostles was impelled by the Spirit to give an estimate of his Master's life in these words, 'Who did no sin, neither was GUILE found in his mouth' (1Pe 2:22; Isa 53:9). What came to be a high mark in the life of this sinless man from Nazareth, he once saw latently in an unknown man (Nathanael) from Cana. Later on, when the man of Galilee makes water into wine, the guileless man from Cana will know that, uniquely, some good thing has come out of Nazareth, and he will confess it guilelessly" (Dennis Gillett, "Genius of Discipleship").

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