Other comments on this day's readings can be found here.
Reading 1 - 1Ch 28
"David was facing the end of his life. With typical
faithfulness, there was one thing on his mind: the realisation of the great
temple of Yahweh, for which he had set his heart. In his farewell speech he
charges the elders of Israel to continue his passion for the temple, and to
support his son, Solomon, in the great work to which Yahweh had committed him.
David's glorious reign reaches a climax as the aristocracy of Israel is gathered
together, and in the presence of Solomon, David makes his final request and
exhortation. In his passionate address he sets out:
How Yahweh chose David and Solomon: vv 1-8;
A personal charge to
Solomon, and the passing over of the plans and ordering of the temple: vv
The work had been commenced by Yahweh, and it is for Solomon to
complete it: vv 20,21.
"Publicly the king advises the young heir to the throne
regarding his conduct and duty, and makes reference to the great divine work
that Solomon must do. He pledges the nation's support, and challenges the people
to be liberal in their donations to this work, by a personal example of
liberality. Solomon is proclaimed and anointed king. and with a final prayer and
thanksgiving, David's work is brought to a fitting close. By training a shepherd
in youth to become a hero in warfare, and a king in old age, there remained for
the people an example of steadfast faith and unity of purpose. David was a fit
type of Christ, for his actual personal reign never ended, but instead merged
into that of his son who stood as joint-king with his Father. In his son
Solomon, David built the temple on Zion. He provided all the elements, the gold,
silver and instruments of every king, and thereby typified the work of the Lord
Jesus in his redemptive work, so that a glorious temple of living stones might
be accomplished to the honour and glory of Yahweh" (GE Mansfield).
Reading 2 - Eze 37
The order of events in Eze 37:
The graves where Israel is buried are opened (v 12).
The skeletons are
brought into the valley of vision (in the land of Israel), and are left
scattered there (vv 2,12).
They say, 'Our bones are dried, our hope is lost'
(v 11).
They confess their own unworthiness (v 11).
Ezekiel prophesies
upon them.
There is a noise like thunder, and an earthquake.
The bones
come together and re-form into skeletons.
Flesh and sinews grow on them;
they are now corpses.
The call to the four winds (spirits) brings the breath
(spirit) of life into them.
They stand on their feet as a very great power.
"The parable is a prophecy of Israel being brought, in a
spiritually dead condition, from their Gentile dispersion back to the land of
their fathers. There they become disintegrated and helpless. It is a process
which takes place in the Land. This part of the prophecy has not yet happened.
It would seem to correspond to the prophecies in Zec 14:1,2; Eze 35:5; 36:13-15;
Joel 2; 3; Psa 83; and esp Ezekiel 20:34-37" (TofE).
The New Covenant is deeply rooted in history and land. The
promise to Abraham was unconditional and included in its benefits a geographical
inheritance -- indeed, not just any territory but specifically the land of
Canaan (Gen 12:1,7; 13:15-17; 15:18,19; 17:8). It is that land that is in view
throughout Ezekiel's prophecy, whether in immediate fulfillment or Last Days
fulfillment, for unless that land is the focus of God's covenant the ancient
promises to the patriarchs lose their intended significance.
Reading 3 - John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John
The greatest reason: FOR.
The greatest lover: GOD.
The greatest degree: SO LOVED.
The greatest company: THE WORLD.
The greatest act: THAT HE GAVE.
The greatest gift: HIS ONE AND ONLY SON.
The greatest opportunity: THAT WHOEVER.
The greatest requirement: BELIEVES.
The greatest attraction: IN HIM.
The greatest promise: SHALL NOT PERISH.
The greatest difference: BUT.
The greatest certainty: HAVE.
The greatest possession: ETERNAL LIFE.