Other comments on this day's readings can be found here.
Reading 1 - 1Sa 22:2
"All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented
gathered around him, and he became their leader" (1Sa 22:2).
Here is the beginning of David's new flock -- these were the
"sheep" he was to protect from the beasts of prey!
In the fulfillment of this Old Testament type, the New
Testament finds he poor of this world, "rich in faith", being called to follow
the LORD's anointed (1Co 1:26-29). "Come to me, all you who are weary and
burdened, and I will give you rest" (Mat 11:28,29). And they came, "outside the
camp, bearing the disgrace he bore" (Heb 13:13).
"What we know of David in this context, is that his family
heritage via a Canaanite and Moabite, had quite an impact on his view of God's
plan for Jew and Gentile. He seemed to appreciate better than any before or
after, the full import of the promise, 'in your seed shall ALL nations be
blessed.' His appreciation of his elevation to kingship over ALL Israel was
shown by his conquest of Jerusalem and the realization that he was its first
believing king since Melchizedek. David's proselytizing of Gentiles is quite
extraordinary and his second visit to Goliath's home town resulted in quite a
crop of faithful adherents to the Covenant. It also explains his building of a
tabernacle in Jerusalem with the ark as its only piece of furniture and why
James later (Acts 15) speaks of the rebuilding of the tabernacle of David (Amos
9) as being an indication of God's call to and purpose with Gentiles" (Ken
Reading 2 - Isa 65:16
"Whoever invokes a blessing in the land will do so by the God
of truth; he who takes an oath in the land will swear by the God of truth" (Isa
"Abraham was told that all nations would bless themselves in
his Seed (Psa 72:17). With reference to these superlative truths, Paul declared
with warm emphasis that 'For no matter how many promises God has made, they are
"Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of
God' (2Co 1:20). To this the Lord Jesus adds his own assurance: 'These are the
words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation'
(Rev 3:14). 'Behold, I am alive for evermore, the Amen; and have the keys of
death and of the grave' (as promised to Abraham: Gen 22:17a)" (Harry Whittaker,
"Isaiah" 542).
Reading 3 - Mat 10:42
"And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these
little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly
not lose his reward" (Mat 10:42).
"We have heard of young sisters banding together for quiet,
unobtrusive labours in rendering occasional help to overloaded mothers;
cheerful, friendly visitors who would call on older sisters, not to waste time
where it was already too scarce but to render help where it was needed. Such
work required tact, of course. It would never be easy and certainly not
attractive to the flesh, but it might easily prove a most blessed form of
giving. In such everyday matters opportunities for giving can be found without
any need for searching and often it is in such prosaic matters that hearts are
most touched as well as hands being eased. The cup of cold water is an expansive
symbol" (Islip Collyer, "Principles and Proverbs").