1. Jehoshaphat
A period of drought during his reign, and a series of
devastating locust plagues towards the end of that period (Joel 1). Then the
impending invasion of the great Arab confederacy (Joel 2; 2Ch 20).
From Joel 2:18 onwards. An invasion from the north, but with a
distinctly Arab flavor: the 'nations round about' (3:11,12, RV). Cp Joel 3:4-8
with Psa 83:6-8.
2. Jehoash
The four great Gentile oppressors of Judah -Babylon, Persian,
Greece and Rome-depicted by four phases of a locust plague. (No immediate
The invasion of Gog and Magog... Rosh... etc (Eze 38), with
emphasis on the composite character of the northern host (combining qualities of
all four 'world' empires).
3. Uzziah
Assyria, Egypt, Babylon and Rome (No immediate
Much the same as #2 above.
4. Hezekiah
Sennacherib's invasion from the north.
The northern host in its role as the latter day
5. Josiah
Four successive steps of the Babylonian captivity (2Ki
24:1,2,10-16; 25:1-11).
The great northern army, more or less synonymous with
6. Jehoiakim and Zedekiah
Babylonian invasion, with four progressive stages, as in #5.
(No literal locust invasion.)
The same as #5.