1) |
Childhood of Samuel (1Sa 1:1--3:21) |
2) |
Capture and return of the ark (1Sa 4:1-7:2) |
3) |
Monarchy (1Sa 7:3--12:25) |
4) |
War and Saul's rejection (1Sa 13:1--15:35) |
5) |
The rise of David (1Sa 16:1--18:30) |
6) |
Rivalry between Saul and David (1Sa 19:1--20:42) |
7) |
Civil war (1Sa 21:1--26:25) |
8) |
War with Philistines (1Sa 27:1--31:13) |
9) |
David, king in Hebron (2Sa 1:1--4:12) |
10) |
David, king in Jerusalem (2Sa 5:1--10:19) |
11) |
David's personal life (2Sa 11:1--12:31) |
12) |
Trouble in David's court (2Sa 13:1--20:26) |
13) |
Appendix (2Sa 21:1--24:25) |