"Don't force yourself on others. Don't keep bothering them.
Let every man bear his own burden (with God's freely-offered help). If you
really have the Truth in your heart, if it totally possesses you (and there's no
hope for anyone without that), then your own company, and God's and the Word's,
are all you ever need. Truly, other spiritual companionship is desirable. It is
a great blessing from God. Be thankful whenever it comes. Put yourself in the
channel of receiving it by being a pleasure to be with: a giver and not a taker.
But do not demand it. Be perfectly content, if necessary, without it. Be
available to all -- to help them. But as far as humanly possible, be very
sparing of seeking, or expecting, or demanding, their help for you. All have
their own lives and problems. You can solve yours best by forgetting yourself.
Fill your mind and preparations with being ready to help others. Be alive and
aware to the needs of others. God will use you as He needs you (and He is always
short of such). But if He doesn't, then just patiently wait and prepare for when
and if He does. The desire and readiness and patience is your part. Leave God's
part to Him, in His own good time. It will come" (GVG).