The Agora
Bible Articles and Lessons: A

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At the Judgment

At the Judgment at Christ's coming we will be accepted by Christ if we have these attitudes and traits while believing the Truth:
At the Judgment at Christ's coming we will be rejected by Christ if we have these attitudes and traits even if we believe all the Truth:
Showing a gentle attitude toward all (Phi 4:5).
Hard and austere (Luk 19:21,22).
Being generous in mind, spirit, and pocket, whether others are deserving or not (Luk 6:27-35).
Unforgiving of real or imagined wrongs (Mat 18:34,35).
Genuinely forbearing, forgiving and being easy to live with (Col 3:13).
Unmerciful, harsh and critical (Mat 7:1-5).
Insistent that a place be found every day for prayer and Bible reading whatever the distractions (1Th 5:17,18).
Concerned with routine ecclesial duties, while ignoring immediate needs of the stranger (Luk 10:30-32).
Actively seeking for opportunities to help others less fortunate than ourselves, irrespective of whether they share our faith, or are likely to do so (Gal 6:10).
Making demands of others while offering little help (Mat 23:3,4).
Willing to consider fairly others' points of view, and assume that their motives are genuine (Jam 1:19).
Lack of fellow-feeling for those who are tempted or fall (Joh 8:1-7).
Ready to delegate authority and duties, to share responsibilities and encourage others, especially the young (2Ti 2:2).
Always trying to be in the spotlight (Jam 3:1).
Providing a stable, warm, loving, home atmosphere to attract others; ready to use home at all times as the greatest place from which to witness (1Ti 3:2-5).
Applying class, racial or group stereotypes to others (Jam 2).
Grieving at condition of "sheep without a shepherd" (Mat 9:36).
Having little time or concern for those "in the world" or who differ from us (Isa 65:5).
Having compassion on the ignorant, and those out of the Way, and in danger of being "lost" (Heb 5:2).
Shunning and condemning those considered to be sinners, and treating some as "beyond the pale" (Mat 23:13).
Joyful in welcoming the returning wayward (Luk 15:32).
Coldly and grudgingly accepting the returning wayward (Luk 15:25-28).
Showing mercy towards those who have doubts (Jud 1:22).
Neglectful of the lonely, aged, and afflicted; concerned only with the "strong" and the "good attendees" (Mat 25:45).
Friend of sinners, "despairing of no man" (Luk 7:34).
Bigoted and unreasonable (Jud 1:16).
Willing to be patient in negotiation, seeing compromise in proper circumstances as strength (1Th 5:13).
Considering any compromise on anything, or any moderation, as weakness (2Co 10:12).
Avoiding controversy wherever and whenever possible, seeking instead to find strength in things that are shared in common (2Ti 2:24).
More concerned with controversial matters than the fostering of harmony and finding common ground (1Ti 6:4,5).
Unflinching in our loyalty to Christ at whatever cost (Mat 10:32-39).
Not prepared to make a clear commitment of faith or loyalty (Mar 8:38).
Willing to accept shame and even suffer cheerfully the "loss of all things" for the Truth (Phi 3:7,8).
Afraid of persecution, loss of prestige, worldly goods, or livelihood because of the Truth (Gal 6:12).
Encouraging our children, chiefly by our example, to accept the Truth (Eph 6:4).
Partial and over-indulgent toward our own children (1Sa 3:12,13).
Treating "fellowship" as a door through which to draw others into the security and warmth of God's family (Rev 3:20).
Treating "fellowship" as a wall to keep others out of our special clique (3Jo 1:9,10).
Eager to extend the wonderful good news of salvation "everywhere", worldwide, with no limit of race, language, color or class; optimistic in regard to witnessing (Rom 10:14-18).
Convinced that this is "the day of small things"; therefore doing little or nothing to propagate the Truth in the world; pessimistic as regards witnessing (Mat 25:26,27).


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