At the Judgment at Christ's coming we will be accepted by
Christ if we have these attitudes and traits while believing the
At the Judgment at Christ's coming we will be rejected by
Christ if we have these attitudes and traits even if we believe all the
Showing a gentle attitude toward all (Phi 4:5).
Hard and austere (Luk 19:21,22).
Being generous in mind, spirit, and pocket, whether others are
deserving or not (Luk 6:27-35).
Unforgiving of real or imagined wrongs (Mat
Genuinely forbearing, forgiving and being easy to live with
(Col 3:13).
Unmerciful, harsh and critical (Mat 7:1-5).
Insistent that a place be found every day for prayer and Bible
reading whatever the distractions (1Th 5:17,18).
Concerned with routine ecclesial duties, while ignoring
immediate needs of the stranger (Luk 10:30-32).
Actively seeking for opportunities to help others less
fortunate than ourselves, irrespective of whether they share our faith, or are
likely to do so (Gal 6:10).
Making demands of others while offering little help (Mat
Willing to consider fairly others' points of view, and assume
that their motives are genuine (Jam 1:19).
Lack of fellow-feeling for those who are tempted or fall (Joh
Ready to delegate authority and duties, to share
responsibilities and encourage others, especially the young (2Ti 2:2).
Always trying to be in the spotlight (Jam 3:1).
Providing a stable, warm, loving, home atmosphere to attract
others; ready to use home at all times as the greatest place from which to
witness (1Ti 3:2-5).
Applying class, racial or group stereotypes to others (Jam
Grieving at condition of "sheep without a shepherd" (Mat
Having little time or concern for those "in the world" or who
differ from us (Isa 65:5).
Having compassion on the ignorant, and those out of the Way,
and in danger of being "lost" (Heb 5:2).
Shunning and condemning those considered to be sinners, and
treating some as "beyond the pale" (Mat 23:13).
Joyful in welcoming the returning wayward (Luk
Coldly and grudgingly accepting the returning wayward (Luk
Showing mercy towards those who have doubts (Jud
Neglectful of the lonely, aged, and afflicted; concerned only
with the "strong" and the "good attendees" (Mat 25:45).
Friend of sinners, "despairing of no man" (Luk
Bigoted and unreasonable (Jud 1:16).
Willing to be patient in negotiation, seeing compromise in
proper circumstances as strength (1Th 5:13).
Considering any compromise on anything, or any moderation, as
weakness (2Co 10:12).
Avoiding controversy wherever and whenever possible, seeking
instead to find strength in things that are shared in common (2Ti
More concerned with controversial matters than the fostering
of harmony and finding common ground (1Ti 6:4,5).
Unflinching in our loyalty to Christ at whatever cost (Mat
Not prepared to make a clear commitment of faith or loyalty
(Mar 8:38).
Willing to accept shame and even suffer cheerfully the "loss
of all things" for the Truth (Phi 3:7,8).
Afraid of persecution, loss of prestige, worldly goods, or
livelihood because of the Truth (Gal 6:12).
Encouraging our children, chiefly by our example, to accept
the Truth (Eph 6:4).
Partial and over-indulgent toward our own children (1Sa
Treating "fellowship" as a door through which to draw others
into the security and warmth of God's family (Rev 3:20).
Treating "fellowship" as a wall to keep others out of our
special clique (3Jo 1:9,10).
Eager to extend the wonderful good news of salvation
"everywhere", worldwide, with no limit of race, language, color or class;
optimistic in regard to witnessing (Rom 10:14-18).
Convinced that this is "the day of small things"; therefore
doing little or nothing to propagate the Truth in the world; pessimistic as
regards witnessing (Mat 25:26,27).