OT book summaries
Gen: beginnings
Exo: redemption
Lev: sacrifice
Num: wilderness
Deut: conduct for
Josh: warfare in
Jdg: failure in
Rth: typical
1Sa: royal government in
the hands of Saul
2Sa: royal government in
the hands of David
1Ki: royal government in
the hands of Solomon and successors
2Ki: royal government in
its decline
1Ch: God's earthly elect
connected with the throne and the ark
2Ch: God's earthly
government in the house of David
Ezr: ecclesiastical
history upon the return from Babylon
Neh: civil condition upon
the return from Babylon
Est: God's secret
government towards Israel
Job: individual
discipline for the learning of self
Psa: experimental holy
Pro: wisdom for the
Ecc: one who found the
world too small for his heart
Song: one who found the
object too great for his heart
Isa: comprehensive and
magnificent prophecy
Jer: judgment upon Judah,
nations, and latter-day blessing
Lam: godly feelings in
view of Israel's sorrows
Eze: judgment upon Israel
and connected nations, with future blessing of Israel
Dan: Gentile political
Hos: Israel's moral
condition -- past, present, and future
Joe: universal judgment
and latter-day blessing for Judah
Amos: certain judgment
upon the Gentiles and all Israel, with future restoration of the
Obad: judgment upon
Jon: judgment upon
Nineveh, and its repentance
Mic: Judgment and future
blessings of Jerusalem and Samaria
Nah: utter judgment upon
proud Assyria
Hab: Jewish spiritual
Zep: unsparing judgment,
and blessing upon the remnant of Israel
Hag: encouragement in
rebuilding the temple
Zec: last day connected
with Israel
Mal: Yahweh's last
pleadings with Israel