Rainbow, the lesson of the
The Hebrew "qesheth" signifies "bending". God's rainbow was
natural, conspicuous, universal, unique, and beautiful. It spoke of a permanent
union between heaven and earth (Eze 1:28; Rev 4:3; 10:1).
The rainbow was composed of seven colors, symbolizing a
complete revelation of God's glory (Num 14:21). It referred to the covenants of
promise, and of adoption into commonwealth of Israel (Eph 2:12) -- through
baptism into Christ: Gal 3:27,29, as obedience of faith: Rom 16:26.
In this scene of Rev 10:1 it was related to the promises of
the Kingdom, the avenging of the Holy (Dan 8:14), the righteous wars of the
saints (Psa 149), and the land of Israel (Lev 26:42).
The order of its colors also possesses a spiritual
significance: (1) Red, always on outside = flesh; (2) Orange = fire of trials;
(3) Yellow = refined faith (1Pe 1:7); (4) Green = renewal, resurrection; (5)
Blue = godliness, heavenliness; (6) Indigo = royalty in Kingdom; (7) Violet,
more perfect = royalty after Kingdom.
Thus by stages God's plan to fill the earth with His glory is
fulfilled, and the red of man and the blue of heaven become perfectly united --
"God all in all."