1. |
Introduction: Rom 1:1-17 |
2. |
The unrighteousness of all mankind: Rom
1:16--3:20 |
a) |
Gentiles: Rom 1:18-32 |
b) |
Jews: Rom 2:1-3:8 |
c) |
Summary: all people: Rom 3:9-20 |
3. |
Righteousness imputed: justification: Rom
3:21--5:21 |
a) |
Through Christ: Rom 3:21-26 |
b) |
Received by faith: Rom 3:27--4:25 |
c) |
The fruits of righteousness: Rom 5:1-11 |
d) |
Summary: man's righteousness contrasted with God's gift: Rom
5:12-21 |
4. |
Righteousness imparted: sanctification: Rom
6-8 |
a) |
Freedom from sin's tyranny: Rom 6 |
b) |
Freedom from the law's condemnation: Rom 7 |
c) |
Life in the power of the Holy Spirit: Rom 8 |
5. |
The problem of the rejection of Israel: Rom
9-11 |
a) |
The justice and cause of the rejection: Rom
9:1-10:21 |
b) |
The restoration of Israel: Rom 11 |
6. |
The gospel in practice: Rom 12:1--15:13 |
a) |
in the body -- the church: Rom 12 |
b) |
in the world: Rom 13 |
c) |
among weak and strong Christians: Rom 14:1--15:13 |
7. |
Conclusion and greetings: Rom 15:14--16:27 |