Roman trial of Jesus
- Jesus is led from Caiaphas to Pilate's palace very early morning, but Jews
could not enter in -- because they would be "defiled" (Joh 18:28). Jesus was led
inside to Pilate, who has now been informed by wife of her dreams, and is
beginning to waver on previous agreement, ie to consent immediately to findings
of Jewish court. (Note his hesitancy from now on.)
- Pilate goes out to Jews,
asking, "What accusation?" (Joh 8:29). This is, of course, perfectly legal, but
is nevertheless surprising to the Jews. (Probably Pilate had previously agreed
to waive "Accusatio".) The Jews resent this new inconvenience; time is
- "If this man were not an evildoer, we would not have brought him
to you" (Joh 18:30). They are obviously reluctant to produce a charge; they had
not expected this. They are angry and affronted that Pilate would actually open
the case.
- Pilate: "Take him, and judge him according to your law." Jews: "It
is not lawful to put any man to death" (Joh 18:31).
- Pilate's unexpected
response: determined to have nothing to do with this man. Jews are just as
determined that he will have a part -- so that Jesus will be executed.
- They
begin to accuse him: "Pervert nation... forbid tribute... saying he is king"
(Luk 23:2). Priests' hasty charges, designed to appeal to Romans. No proof
- Pilate returns to Judgment Hall, asks Jesus, "Are you king of
Jews?" Answer: Yes (Joh 18:33-37).