Carter, John
John Carter was born near Halifax in 1889. He succeeded CC
Walker at Editor of The Christadelphian magazine in 1937, and served in that
capacity until his death in 1962. He gave unsparingly of his time and efforts on
behalf of the Faith for many years.
Travelling extensively in Australia and North America during
the 1950s, he worked for and achieved a sizeable measure of unity in a
previously divided brotherhood. His calm and confident grasp of difficult
theological subjects stood him in good stead for this work. But the heavy cost
of these arduous labors in physical and mental strain hastened his end.
His writings were marked by keen scholarship, solid analytical
exposition, a strong sense of moral obligation, and a deep devotion to the Word
of God.
While he served the Christadelphian community in many ways, it
was recognized that his best work was done in Bible exposition. A number of his
expositions of particular books have been published.
His works include:
- John's
- Ephesians
- Romans
- Galatians
- Hebrews
- Prophets
after the Exile
- Parables of the
- Delight in God's
- God's
- Marriage and