The Agora
Bible Articles and Lessons: L

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The lampstand had 7 branches -- ie, the perfect light of truth (Psa 119:105) -- which the ecclesia must dispense (Rev 1:20; Phi 2:15; Mat 5:14-16). The only form of light in the holy place, to be kept burning by oil supplied by all Israel (Exo 27:20,21).

"5 feet tall, 3 1/2 feet wide, per Josephus. Suggested, a central stem with other 6 lampstands arranged in a regular hexagon round it -- is this the origin of design for star of David?" (WRev 9,10).
The six branches, surrounding the central stem and forming a hexagon, would resemble a tree -- the tree of life (Gen 2:9; 3:22,24).

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