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Bible Articles and Lessons: S

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Solomon, typical of Christ

Solomon's reign typical of Christ's reign:

  1. Jerusalem the throne: 2Ch 9:30 (Jer 3:17).
  2. One king and a united nation: 1Ki 4:20 (Eze 37:22).
  3. Israel powerful: 1Ki 4:20 (Mic 4:7).
  4. Israel chief to the nations: 1Ki 4:21 (Mic 4:8).
  5. Gentiles bring tribute: 2Ch 9:23,24 (Isa 60:11).
  6. Great fertility: 1Ki 4:22-28 (Isa 35:1,2).
  7. Submissive nations: 1Ki 4:21 (Psa 72:8).
  8. Security and peace: 1Ki 4:25 (Eze 34:28).
  9. Jerusalem the center of wisdom: 1Ki 4:34 (Isa 2:2).
  10. Jerusalem the center of worship: 2Ch 9:23 (Zec 14:16).
  11. The temple built: 1Ki 6 (Zec 6:13).
  12. Gentiles involved in its building: 2Ch 2:2 (Isa 60:10).
  13. Zadok the priest: 1Ki 1:34 (Heb 7:11,12).
  14. "Satan" to be bound: 1Ki 5:4 (Rev 20:2).
  15. Israel to be a blessing to others: 2Ch 9:26 (Isa 19:25).
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