The Agora
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Treasures and treasures

"Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth" (Mat 6:19), but...

"Lay up treasures in heaven" (v 20) -- for...

"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" (v 21).
This is perhaps the most comprehensive and searching of all the commands of Christ, because it deals with the whole direction and motivation and purpose of life. Broadly defined, "treasures on earth" means anything related to this present mortal life.

The natural way is to accumulate "treasures" of many different kinds. "Mammon" (v 24) includes riches, material possessions, and pleasures. This desire to lay up treasures... this acquisitiveness (a nice word for simple greed!) is so universally taken for granted that it is almost heresy to question it. It is the foundation assumption of almost all advertising. Even many "believers" consider it "foolish" and "impractical" even to try to imitate Christ in this respect, and quote such passages as 1Ti 5:8 and Ecc 9:10 with more than usual vigor, to help set "the proper balance"!

How much impact does this command of Christ have upon us? Whether we consider job promotions, or "consumer goods", or that hazy Valhalla of materialistic indulgence called "the good life", how many times have any of us made the conscious decision?: "No! I will go no further. I have more than I really need already. I will not pamper myself!" Probably, for most of us, not nearly often enough. It is in our natures (and simply learning "the Truth" does not change those natures!) to want "treasures" both in heaven and on earth, to seek both salvation and present advantage. It is so easy to forget that Christ specifically said we cannot have both:

"Ye cannot serve God and mammon" (Mat 6:24).
God wants us to be different from the world, with our minds on very different things. Of course, most of us must work, in one way or another, to provide for necessities. Certainly Jesus worked at a trade until the time came for his special mission. And Paul, as he moved about the ecclesias, found work from place to place so as not to be a burden to the believers. But for them these daily affairs had importance only insofar as they were related to eternal things. "Seek ye first the kingdom" (v 33) was the rule of Christ's life, and of Paul's life. Is it the rule of our lives?

Seven reasons

"Do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor about your body, what you shall put on" (v 25, RSV). It is a revolutionary concept, totally foreign to our natural inclinations. But Jesus does not bid us obey him without reasons. He gives, in fact, seven good reasons why this philosophy makes sense:

To borrow worries from next week is to overburden our capabilities and risk failure in spiritual pursuits.

"For thou art my God"

We recognize that the "world", even the nominally "Christian" world, does not heed Christ's advice. But do we do any better, or are we swept up and molded into conformity with the world around us? This is an age dedicated to getting more and yet more money, in order to spend it on more and yet more selfishness: fine houses, fine foods, expensive trips, and the worship (yes, it is "idolatry" -- Col 3:5!) of car and garden and, last but not least, our own adorned, deodorized, tanned, and groomed selves! It is an age of narcissism; millions succumb to the blandishments of "health spas" and "country clubs", to exercise, and jog, and diet, and build the new, improved "You". One cannot help but draw the analogy to Isaiah's bitterly ironic description of the idolater -- who seeks out a tree trunk and cuts and shapes and polishes it into a natural beauty, finally to fall down and worship it:
"Deliver me, for thou art my god" (Isa 44:14-17).

Different? Or the same?

What are our ambitions, our goals in life? Are they different than the world, or are they all too similar? Are our older folks eager for retirement, so they can take it easy and enjoy life? Are our middle-aged folks keen on "security"? Are our younger folks caught up in the "timetable syndrome" -- get an education, get a good job, get married, get a house, "get ahead" -- and each goal by a certain date, or they are falling behind? And if they -- the young ones -- are this way, whose example have they followed?

What sets us apart from the masses around us who have no true hope? Is it enough that we believe differently, without living differently? Do we preach "separateness from the world" one day a week, and then live the other six days as though we were still very much a part of that world? In our pious preaching, do we even manage to convince ourselves that we are really following Christ's example?

"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth."

The use of our money may be the "touchstone", the truest indicator, of our heart's desires. Why? Because the obtaining and the using of money makes up so great a part of our daily lives -- we are always spending money! -- so that our ordinary life must be much the same in nature as our ordinary ways of spending money. If we spend our money for purchases that appeal to pride or pleasure or ostentation, then we are demonstrating in the most practical way possible that those characteristics have firm hold on our lives, to the exclusion of God's truth.

If I had extra arms or legs or eyes, that I did not need, that I could not use, and instead of giving them to the lame or the blind, I locked them away in a vault or displayed them on hooks in my living room, I would be a selfish fool. None of us would be so stupid, would we? But what if, for "arms" or "legs", we substitute "money"?

Common objections

There are several common objections to giving money to help the unfortunate. What is so attractive about these objections is that they masquerade as Scriptural, wise, and prudent -- putting "a good face" on the greed that hides behind them:

"Since Jesus said, 'The poor you have with you always' (John 12:8), and we cannot change the world, why should we bother trying?": But Jesus did not say, "Forget the poor because they are always there." He said, in effect, "You will always have opportunities to help the poor." When Jesus was present, his followers lavished gifts upon him, and they did well. But now that he is absent, we may forget that we can give gifts to Jesus just as well by helping his poor brethren. Who would ignore the needs of the Master? But now he sits at the right hand of God, and he can no longer use the cup of cold water, the food, the clothing. But someone else can!

One of Christ's parables was most explicit as to the grounds of rejection at his judgment. It is enlightening to note that the wicked were not rejected for holding some false doctrine. They were not rejected for failing to preach the Truth. They were not even rejected for neglecting to attend a specified number of ecclesial meetings. They were rejected because they ignored the simple, material needs of their brethren, and thereby they ignored Christ (Mat 25:41-45)!

"If I am not careful and prudent (which really means 'selfish'), I may give charity to someone who does not deserve it, or someone who does not use it properly": This is a common Christadelphian "worry", And it sounds all too much like the businessman proclaiming to the board of directors the "virtue" of the preservation of capital. But in showing love for others through our material gifts, we are exemplifying the character of our Father in Heaven, who sends His rain on the just and the unjust (Mat 5:45). God loves us whether we deserve it or not. He loves us even when we definitely do not deserve it. He loves us even when we do despite to His grace and turn our backs on His outstretched hand. He is not "careful" or "responsibly prudent" about His gifts.

"By giving away my money (or the ecclesia's money), I encourage others to be beggars and irresponsible": But then, why should I ever forgive anyone? It will just "encourage" him to do wrong again. Or why should I give medicine to a sick person? It might just "encourage" him to get sick again.

"It's more important to use our money in preaching the Truth than to give it to the needy": This is the only one of the four common objections to charity that can stand up to any examination at all. It is true that to give a starving man the gospel is better than to give him a crust of bread. But it can hardly be denied that both could be useful!

The only response to this objection is: If you really believe this, then do it! Do not be like the Pharisees who cried "Corban" when reminded that others could use their material help, and then when the need was past, kept it for themselves!

The only other thing to be said here is that surely there are resources lying dormant which are sufficient for sizeable efforts on both fronts. At the absolute minimum, resources are available so that our own spiritual "family" at home and abroad need not suffer hunger and illness, while their "brethren" are well-off and with goods to spare.


Christ gave everything, even life itself, for us. What can we give him? What "price-tag" do we put on our redemption? "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
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