The Agora
Bible Articles and Lessons: B

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Baptists, early

The following is an extract of the Confession of Faith of the English Baptists, extracted from Crosby:

We believe that there will be an order in the Resurrection. Christ is the Firstfruits, and then, next or after, they that are Christ's at his coming: then, or afterwards, cometh the end.

Concerning the Kingdom and Reign of our Lord Jesus Christ, as we do believe that he is now in heaven at his Father's right hand, so we do believe, that, at the time appointed of the Father, he shall come again in power and great glory; and that at, or after, his coming the second time, he will not only raise the dead, judge and restore the world, but will also take to himself his Kingdom, and will, according to the Scriptures, reign on the throne of his father David, on Mount Zion, in Jerusalem, for ever.

We believe that this kingdom of our Lord will be an universal kingdom, and that in this kingdom the Lord Jesus Christ himself will be the alone visible supreme Lord and King of the whole earth.

We believe that as this kingdom will be universal, so it will also be an everlasting kingdom that shall have no end, nor cannot be shaken; in which kingdom the saints and faithful in Christ Jesus shall receive the end of their faith, even the salvation of their souls; where the Lord is, they shall be also.

We believe that the New Jerusalem that shall come down from God out of heaven, when the tabernacle of God shall be with them, and he shall dwell among them, will be the metropolitan city of this kingdom, and will be the glorious place of residence of both Christ and his saints for ever, and will be so situated, as that the kingly palace will be on Mount Zion, the holy hill of David, where his throne was."


The following is also from Crosby, Vol 2, Appendix p 85.

"We believe that the same Lord Jesus who showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, Act 1:3, who was taken from his disciples and carried up into heaven, Luk 24:57, shall so come in like manner as he was seen go into heaven. Act 1:9-11.

"And when Christ who is our life shall appear, we also shall appear with him in glory: Col 3:4. For then shall he be King of kings, and Lord of lords -- Rev 19:15. For the kingdom is his, and He is the governor among the nations -- Psa 22:28; and King over all the earth -- Zec 14:9; and we shall reign with him upon the earth -- Rev 5:10. The kingdoms of this world, which men so mightily strive after how to enjoy, shall become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ -- Rev 11:15. For all is yours, ye that overcome this world, for ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's -- 1Co 3:22,23. For unto the saints shall be given the kingdoms, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven -- Dan 7:27. Though, alas! many men be scarce content that the saints should have so much as a being among them; but when Christ shall appear THEN shall be their day; THEN shall be given them power over the nations to rule them with a rod of iron -- Rev 2:26,27. THEN shall they receive a crown of life which no man shall take from them, nor they by any means turned, or overturned, from it; for the oppressor shall be broken in pieces -- Psa 72:4; and their vain rejoicing turned into mourning and bitter lamentations, as it is written -- Job 20:5-7. "For which" (confession), say they, "we are not only resolved to suffer persecution to the loss of our goods, but also life itself, rather than decline from the same."

This Baptist declaration presented to Charles II, March 1660, was "subscribed by certain elders, deacons, and brethren, met in London, in behalf of themselves and many others, unto whom they belong in London, and in several countries of this nation, who are of the same faith with us." Then follow forty-one names, after which is written, "owned and approved by more than 20,000."

Such was "the Gospel of the Kingdom" believed by the Baptists in Britain approx 350 years ago; in addition to which they believed also, the "things concerning the Name of Jesus the Anointed." If the 20,000 whose faith is here confessed, were to arise and stand upon their feet today, and to visit the "Regular Baptists" and all other churches calling themselves Baptists, would they be able to find a trace of that gospel from which they declared, 350 years ago, they would suffer death: rather than decline from the same?"

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