Atonement principles (10 points)
- That the nature of Christ was not exactly like ours.
- That the offering
of Christ was not for himself, and Christ never made any offering for
- That Christ's offering was for personal sins or moral impurities
only. That our sins laid on Christ made him unclean and accursed of God, and
that it was from this curse and this uncleanness that Christ needed
- That Christ died as a substitute; ie, that he was punished for
the transgressions of others and that he became a bearer of sin by suffering the
punishment due for sins.
- That death came into the world extraneously to the nature bestowed upon
Adam in Eden, and was not inherent in him before sentence.
- That the sentence
defiled him [Adam] and became a physical law of his being, and was transmitted
to all his posterity.
- That the word "sin" is used in two principal
acceptations in the Scriptures. It signifies in the first place "the
transgression of law," and in the next it represents that physical principle of
the animal nature which is the cause of all its diseases, death and resolution
to dust.
- That Jesus possessed our nature, which was a defiled, condemned
- That is was therefore necessary that Jesus should offer for himself
for the purging of his own nature, first, from the uncleanness of death, that
having by his own blood obtained eternal redemption for himself, he might be
able afterward to save to the uttermost those that come unto God by
- That the doctrine of substitution, ie, that a righteous man can, by
suffering the penalty due to the sinner, free the sinner from the penalty of
sin, is foreign to Scripture and is a dogma of heathen
(JC and CMPA, "A Time to Heal").