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Abomination |
An object that fills us with disgust, particularly an idol.
Acquit |
To hold guiltless. |
Ague |
A fever. |
Alleluia |
Praise the LORD! |
Ambassage |
The same word is translated "message" in Luke 19:14. |
Apothecary |
One who makes perfumes or ointments. |
Asswaged |
Sank down, subsided. |
Astonied |
Astonished, or surprised. |
Audience |
The Hebrew word means the ear. Abraham spoke in the ear of the
children of Heth; we might say "in the hearing of". To give audience means to
listen. |
Barbarian |
An alien or foreigner. |
Barbarous |
Foreign. |
Baser |
"Certain lewd fellows of the baser sort"; that is, wicked men
who hung about the market place; vile men of the rabble. |
Bewrayeth |
Betrayeth. |
Bishoprick |
Guardianship; office of overseeing. |
Breeches |
Pants, or trousers. |
Brutish |
Stupid. |
Buffet |
To strike with a clenched fist. |
By and by |
At once, immediately. |
Carriage |
That which is carried: baggage. We now say luggage. |
Casement |
Window. |
Chapiter |
The head or top of a column. |
Charger |
Dish in the OT (Num 7), where silver chargers are spoken of.
But in the NT (Mat 14) the Greek word "pinax" means a wooden drinking
cup. |
To be at charges |
To discharge the cost of, bear the expense. |
Cleanness of teeth |
Famine. |
Cockle |
A weed resembling wheat. |
Contemn |
To despise or mock. |
Convert |
To turn again. |
Coulter |
Iron agricultural tool. |
Dam |
A mother. |
Divers |
Diverse, different, varied. |
Effectual |
Effective. |
Emerods |
Tumors; hemorrhoids. |
Ensample |
Example. |
Ensue |
Pursue. |
Eschew |
Avoid; turn aside. |
Espy |
See, behold. |
Exactor |
Overseer. |
Fain |
Gladly. |
Fen |
Marsh or swamp. |
Fetch a compass |
To make a circuit. |
Fillets |
Curtain rods placed between columns (Exo 27:10). |
Fitches |
A species of grain. |
Flagon |
Bottle; vessel. |
Fuller |
Launderer; one who washes clothes. |
Garner |
Granary (barn). |
Gin |
Snare or noose. |
Graven |
Engraved. |
Grisled |
Spotted or speckled. |
Hart |
Deer. |
Hireling |
A day laborer. |
Hoary |
White. |
Incontinent |
Unbridled; uncontrollable. |
Inditing |
Overflowing; boiling over. |
Inordinate |
Without restraint; immoderate. |
Instant |
Insistent; steadfast; urgent. |
Jot, Yod |
The smallest Hebrew letter. Iota is the Greek. Both correspond
to the English letter "I" but it is often transliterated "J" in our Bible. The
names Jerusalem, Jesus, Isaac, Isaiah, Judah, Israel, John, James, Jacob, etc.,
all began with this letter. |
Kine |
Cows; cattle. |
Knop |
An old way of writing "knob". In connection with the
tabernacle, the knops were carved imitations of the buds of flowers. |
Lade |
Burden; load. |
Latchet |
The thong by which the sandal was attached to the
foot. |
Laver |
Wash basin. |
Lees |
Sediment. |
Let |
In a few passages only, 'let' means 'hindered' (Exo 5:4; Isa
43:13; Rom 1:13; 2Th 2:7). |
Lewdness |
Villainy; wickedness; crime. |
Liketh |
Pleases. |
Listeth |
Chooses. |
Lively |
Living. |
Lucre |
Gain. |
Mansion |
Abiding place. |
Mattock |
Hoe; spade. |
Maul |
A heavy hammer. |
Meat |
Food of any kind. In the RV the words "meal offering" have
been substituted for meat offering. This expresses the sense better. |
Meet |
Agreeable; fit; proper. |
Mess |
Portion. |
Mete |
To measure. |
Meteyard |
The English means to measure by the yard, or a yard measure.
The Hebrew (Lev 19:35) seems to be best translated by the word "measure" only.
Minish |
Diminish. |
Minister |
a servant. |
Mite |
A very small coin. |
Mote |
A minute particle of dust; a speck (Mat 7:3). |
Muffler |
An ornament worn by women. |
Murrain |
Pestilence; plague. |
Necromancer |
One who inquires of the dead. |
Neesing |
Sneezing. |
Nether |
Lower. |
Nethermost |
Lowest. |
Not a whit |
Not the least bit. |
Occupy |
To do business; trade. |
Occupier |
Trader. |
Offence |
In many places, a stumbling block, "skandalon", the original
of our word "scandal". |
Offscouring |
Scum; filth. |
Ouches |
Sockets; settings for gems. |
Overlived |
Outlived. |
Paps |
Breasts. |
Paramour |
Lover. |
Peradventure |
Perhaps; it may be. |
Pilled |
Peeled; stripped of skin or bark. |
Poll |
To cut hair. |
Potsherd |
A piece of broken pottery. |
Pottage |
That which is prepared in a pot. |
Prating |
Babbling, chattering. |
Presbytery |
An assembly of elders. |
Presently |
In the present moment; now. |
Printed |
Engraved; "inscribed" (RV). |
Privy |
Aware of. |
Proper |
Goodly, comely. |
Proselyte |
"One who has come to", therefore a convert to
Judaism. |
Provender |
Food for livestock or cattle. |
Provoked |
Stirred up, stimulated. |
Quick |
Living. |
Quicken |
To make alive. |
Quit |
Behave, or, as we now say, acquit. |
Ranges |
Ranks in 2Ki 11:8. |
Rank |
Fat in Gen 41:5-7. |
Ravin |
Plunder. |
Reins |
The kidneys, regarded as the seat of joy, pain, etc.
Reprobate |
Refuse. |
Rereward |
Towards the rear; rear guard. |
Ringstraked |
Streaked with rings. |
Riotous |
Gluttonous. |
Satyr |
Male goat. |
Scall |
An eruption on the head or face. |
Scrabbled |
Scrawled, or scratched. |
Scrip |
A small bag or wallet. |
Seethe |
To boil. |
Sherd |
A shred, potsherd, a broken piece of pottery. |
Silverlings |
Peces of silver. |
Sith |
Since. |
Sleight |
Trickery; deceit. |
Slow bellies |
Idle gluttons. |
Sod, Sodden |
Boil, Boiled. |
Sottish |
Foolish. |
Staggered |
"Wavered" (RV). |
Stomacher |
Robe. |
Strawed |
Strewed, scattered. |
Surfeiting |
Intoxication; overindulgence. |
Taches |
Hooks; fasteners. |
Tables |
Writing tablets covered with wax. |
Tabret |
A kind of small tambourine. |
Tell |
To number, count. |
Temperance |
Self-control. |
Tempt |
To test, try, put to the proof. |
Tetrarch |
Ruler over a fourth part. |
Thought |
"Anxiety" in Mat 6:25. |
Tire |
turban; head ornament. |
Tired |
Adorned with a tire or head dress; attired. |
Tittle |
The minute point added to one Hebrew letter to distinguish it
from another. |
Tormentors |
Torturers. |
Trow |
To think, imagine. |
Trump |
Trumpet. |
Twain |
An old form from the Anglo-Saxon "twegen" - two; hence the
Scotch "twa", and the English "twainty" or twenty. |
Unction |
Anointing. |
Unperfect |
Imperfect. |
Untoward |
Not toward; inclined in the opposite direction. |
Utter |
Sometimes means outer. |
Vagabond |
A wanderer. |
Vile |
Worthless. |
Ward |
Prison; custody. |
Ware |
Aware. |
Wax |
Grow, increase. |
Wen |
A running sore. |
Whet |
Sharpen. |
Whit |
A bit, atom; every whit, wholly; not a whit, not at all.
Wilily |
Craftily. |
Wimple |
Shawl. |
Wise |
Way. On this wise, in this way. |
Wist |
Knew. |
Wit |
To wit, to know. |
Withs |
Cords, ropes. |
Withe |
Young twig of willow or osier. |
Wot |
Knew. |
Wroth |
Anger; wrath. |
Yokefellow |
Fellow-laborer. |
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