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A. |
Events at Horeb Recalled: Deu 1:1-8 |
B. |
Appointment of Tribal Leaders: Deu 1:9-18 |
C. |
Failing faith |
1) |
Israel's Refusal to Enter the Land: Deu 1:19-33 |
2) |
The Penalty for Israel's Rebellion: Deu 1:34-45 |
3) |
The Desert Years: Deu 2:1-25 |
4) |
Defeat of King Sihon: Deu 2:26-37 |
5) |
Defeat of King Og: Deu 3:1-22 |
6) |
Moses Views Canaan from Pisgah: Deu 3:23-29 |
D. |
Moses Commands Obedience: Deu 4:1-40 |
E. |
Cities of Refuge East of the Jordan: Deu 4:41-43 |
F. |
Transition to the Second Address: Deu 4:44-49 |
A. |
Covenant faith |
1) |
The Ten Commandments: Deu 5:1-21 |
2) |
Moses the Mediator of God's Will: Deu 5:22-33 |
3) |
The Great Commandment: Deu 6:1-9 |
4) |
Caution against Disobedience: Deu 6:10-25 |
5) |
Conquest of Canaan: Deu 7 |
6) |
Lessons from the past |
7) |
The Essence of the Law: Deu 10:12-22 |
8) |
Rewards for Obedience: Deu 11:1-32 |
B. |
The Law |
1) |
Worship of a holy people |
(a) |
Pagan Shrines to Be Destroyed: Deu 12:1-12 |
(b) |
A Prescribed Place of Worship: Deu 12:13-28 |
(c) |
Warning against Idolatry: Deu 13:1-18 |
(d) |
Pagan Practices Forbidden: Deu 14:1-2 |
(e) |
Clean and Unclean Foods: Deu 14:3-21 |
(f) |
Regulations concerning Tithes: Deu 14:22-29 |
(g) |
Laws concerning the Sabbatical Year: Deu 15:1-18 |
(h) |
The Firstborn of Livestock: Deu 15:19-23 |
(i) |
The Passover Reviewed: Deu 16:1-8 |
(j) |
The Festival of Weeks Reviewed: Deu 16:9-12 |
(k) |
The Festival of Booths Reviewed: Deu 16:13-17 |
2) |
Duties of officials |
(a) |
Municipal Judges and Officers: Deu 16:18-20 |
(b) |
Forbidden Forms of Worship: Deu 17:1-7 |
(c) |
Legal Decisions by Priests and Judges: Deu 17:8-13 |
(d) |
Limitations of Royal Authority: Deu 17:14-20 |
(e) |
Privileges of Priests and Levites: Deu 18:1-8 |
(f) |
Child-Sacrifice, Divination, and Magic Prohibited: Deu
18:9-14 |
(g) |
A New Prophet Like Moses: Deu 18:15-22 |
3. |
Criminal law |
(a) |
Laws concerning the Cities of Refuge: Deu 19:1-13 |
(b) |
Property Boundaries: Deu 19:14 |
(c) |
Law concerning Witnesses: Deu 19:15-21 |
4. |
Rules of Warfare: Deu 20:1-20 |
5. |
Other laws |
(a) |
Law concerning Murder by Persons Unknown: Deu 21:1-9 |
(b) |
Female Captives: Deu 21:10-14 |
(c) |
The Right of the Firstborn: Deu 21:15-17 |
(d) |
Rebellious Children: Deu 21:18-21 |
(e) |
Welfare: Deu 22:1-12 |
(f) |
Laws concerning Sexual Relations: Deu 22:13-30 |
(g) |
Those Excluded from the Assembly: Deu 23:1-8 |
(h) |
Sanitary, Ritual, and Humanitarian Precepts: Deu
23:9-25 |
(i) |
Laws concerning Marriage and Divorce: Deu 24:1-4 |
(j) |
Miscellaneous Laws: Deu 24:5-25:4 |
(k) |
Levirate Marriage: Deu 25:5-10 |
(l) |
Various Commands: Deu 25:11-19 |
6. |
First Fruits and Tithes: Deu 26:1-15 |
7. |
Concluding Exhortation: Deu 26:16-19 |
C. |
The Inscribed Stones and Altar on Mount Ebal: Deu
27:1-10 |
D. |
Twelve Curses: Deu 27:11-26 |
E. |
Blessings for Obedience: Deu 28:1-14 |
F. |
Warnings against Disobedience: Deu 28:15-68 |
A. |
The Covenant Renewed in Moab: Deu 29:1-29 |
B. |
God's Fidelity Assured: Deu 30:1-10 |
C. |
Exhortation to Choose Life: Deu 30:11-20 |
A. |
Joshua Becomes Moses' Successor: Deu 31:1-8 |
B. |
The Law to Be Read Every Seventh Year: Deu 31:9-13 |
C. |
Moses and Joshua Receive God's Charge: Deu 31:14-39 |
D. |
The Song of Moses: Deu 32:1-47 |
E. |
Moses' Death Foretold: Deu 32:48-52 |
F. |
Moses' Final Blessing on Israel: Deu 33:1-29 |
G. |
Moses Dies and Is Buried in the Land of Moab: Deu
34:1-12 |
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