Titus the man
Titus was a companion and helper of Paul for a period of about
20 years, possibly longer, but he is only mentioned four times during that
- Paul probably converted Titus, a Cilician Gentile, in Antioch, 45 AD (Acts
13:1). He went with Paul from Antioch to Jerusalem (about 50 AD) regarding the
issue of the Gentiles being circumcised and keeping the Law. Titus, a Gentile,
was the test case (Gal 2:1-3). Paul refused to let him be circumcised, and the
apostles supported him, and the freedom of Gentiles from the Law was
established. Thereafter Titus was a living symbol of that freedom, as Timothy
was of not needlessly offending Jews (Acts 16:3; 1Co 9:20).
- About five years
later, during Paul's three-year stay at Ephesus, Titus was sent twice to Corinth
concerning the ecclesial troubles there, as we learn from the Corinthian letters
(2Co 7:5,6; 8:6). He was successful in correcting the problems and reconciling
the brethren there To Paul. Due to the seriousness of the matter and Paul's
great concern, Paul apparently considered Titus his most qualified
- About ten years later (65 AD), as we learn from this letter
to him, Titus was left in Crete (Tit 1:5) to complete the work Paul had begun in
organizing ecclesias in various cities there, appointing suitable elders, and
setting up a strong discipline for guiding the new ecclesias in constructive
godliness. Here again he is chosen for an important and difficult task; when the
foundations were laid, he was to be relieved by Tychicus or Artemas, who would
carry on, so that Titus could join Paul at Nicopolis (Tit 3:12) to be used for
pressing work there. Clearly he was one of Paul's primary helpers.
- Finally,
a few years later, in Paul's second letter to Timothy, in his second
imprisonment shortly before his death, he writes that Titus has gone to Dalmatia
(just north of Nicopolis) -- probably again carrying out ground-breaking work in
the establishment of the Truth (2Ti 4:10).
Whereas Timothy seems to have had an inborn timidity and
shyness against which he had to struggle (2Ti 1:7) and "oft infirmities" to put
up with (1Ti 5:23), Titus seems to have had something of Paul's own
aggressiveness. Titus was perhaps older than Timothy, since Paul makes no
reference to his youthfulness, as he does to Timothy's (1Ti 4:12; 2Ti 2:22) --
though it may be simply that Timothy was only more conscious of his youth than
was Titus. Titus was a man of resourcefulness and initiative, able not only to
take orders, but also to go ahead on his own (2Co 8:16,17) -- a man of
contagious enthusiasm (2Co 7:13).